I desire granted: Zara Beauty is already a reality (and finding your perfect makeup had never been so easy)

I desire granted: Zara Beauty is already a reality (and finding your perfect makeup had never been so easy)

I desire granted: Zara Beauty is already a reality (and finding your perfect makeup had never been so easy)

Makeup in collaboration with the famous Make-Up Artist Diane Kendal, the Inditex giant launches its own beauty brand.His commitment to inclusiveness, vegan and clean formulas and rechargeable containers show that we are facing a new era in the world of makeup

By Ana Gándara

When we already thought that in the world of makeup everything was invented, the inditex flagship arrives to create a new need.Yes, Zara Beauty is already a reality.It is true, it is not the first time that the firm ventures in the Make-Up-and the matt lipsticks that we fell in love in 2019 we refer-but had never done so at this level.We do not talk about a small collection in its stores, but about a new brand, with its own space -which by the way, is like moving to Santorini-, in which they have proposed to revolutionize the makeup as we knew it (from thenext May 12).

That the collection of 130 cosmetics - in June will be increased to 170 - has been prepared in collaboration with the mythical makeup artist Diane Kendal is a declaration of intentions.That the launch campaign has been embodied by (nine) photographers such as Steven Meisel, David Sims or Mario Sorrenti confirms that Zara Beauty has proposed to do things big."Zara has a audience so diverse that there were no limits when creating this line, because we wanted it to be very inclusive, that everyone, regardless of their age, their skin color, their gender or personal style to find the best makeup products", Kendal tells us about launch.

And beyond creating a line of cosmetics, the novelty lies in how the firm has decided to enter all the current issues that most concern us today today.Not only because of that diversity mentioned by the make-up artist, but because the collection has been made with vegan formulas and as cleanly as possible and, the most innovative detail, with totally reusable containers.“I think that pandemic has given people time to reflect -says Diane Kendal -we are much more aware that we want to use more products elaborated consciously.I think we are more concerned about what we put in our skin, how it affects the environment, and the good thing about Zara is that it is in the position of creating a line that fits all those parameters ”.

Deseo concedido: Zara Beauty ya es una realidad (y encontrar tu maquillaje perfecto nunca había sido tan fácil)

Undoubtedly, fulfilling these purposes has not been a simple path in the elaboration of the collection, in fact, its commitment to inclusiveness is reflected in the decision of - not to take, for example, makeup bases, preferring to wait and investigateBefore doing half jobs.As the makeup artist explains, "it has been a long process for us, because we want to find the right formula to create the right tone range, so we have not yet taken out a makeup base".Formed by lipsticks (mates, satin, balloon, stilettos, nutritious oils and lipgloss), face palettes (bronzers, coloring and lighting), eye products (6 shadow pallets, shadow duo palettes, lighting powders and eyeliner), Nail and brushes enamels -all in a wide range of colors -Kendal points out that one of the main difficulties was also creating that rainbow of tones, with pleasant and durable textures, without resorting to certain habitual ingredients in makeup in makeup.“We were very aware when using very clean and vegan products, it was very difficult to create good textures using those ingredients.In the end, I think we have achieved great formulas, but that is also the reason why we have not yet drawn a mask of eyelashes or makeup base, since it is a longer process ”.

Incluso el packaging, diseñado por la agencia creativa neoyorkina Baron & Baron, está pensado al detalle.All products are 'inclined', as a reference to Zara Z, which was a complication when creating its magnetized closing system (the lipstick, specifically, was a headache), but theKey detail is in your rechargeable system.Both lipsticks and palettes can be recharged, so that, once you have the container, when the product is exhausted, you just have to buy the recharge (at an even more affordable price, to enhance this most sustainable model among consumers) or, even if you want a totally packaging dressing room, you can do only with recharges from the beginning.In addition, palette tones can be exchanged and customized to create your ideal combo.

"It's a celebration of life, a color celebration.We really wanted to have fun, get people to experience more, to play with their look and dare to change lipsticks, try new shades.This was a very important goal, ”says Diane Kendal.And of course, seeing its wide palette of tones -and having tried its long -term and very easy to apply formulas -it is so easy to find both makeup products with which you have always felt comfortable, as risk out of your comfort zone.If you don't know where to start, the makeup artist confesses that her favorites are the stiletto lipstick and the eye shadow duos.

What cosmetics cannot be missing in your makeup bag?

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By Tatiana Ojea

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