‘Mexico, a country of cynics’ sexual harassment of the 4T the good, the bad and the ugly of Adam Augusto López Hernández the Damage Recount

‘Mexico, a country of cynics’ sexual harassment of the 4T the good, the bad and the ugly of Adam Augusto López Hernández the Damage Recount

‘Mexico, a country of cynics’ sexual harassment of the 4T the good, the bad and the ugly of Adam Augusto López Hernández the Damage Recount

Se cumple el vaticinio del exmandatario José López Portillo * Para muchos especialistas en la materia, la mal llamada Austeridad Republicana se convierte en una actitud cínica y demagógica con la promoción de una “Revocación de mandato” inútil y costosa -cuatro mil millones de pesos, sólo para restregarle a los adversarios el gran apoyo “popular” del que goza el Presidente y su partido‘México, un país de cínicos’ Acosos sexuales de la 4T Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo de Adán Augusto López Hernández El recuento de daños ‘México, un país de cínicos’ Acosos sexuales de la 4T Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo de Adán Augusto López Hernández El recuento de daños

By Fray Lalito

It will be that in our beloved Mexico the prophecy of former president José López Portillo y Pacheco was already fulfilled, when for more than four decades he warned: "The worst thing that can happen to Mexico is to become a country of cynics".

In that case, each of the Mexicans would be making the definition of "cynical" valid: "attitude of the person who lies with impudence and defends or practices in a blatant, impual and dishonest way something that deserves general disapproval".

In relation to this concept, the French philosopher Bédard proposed some "philosophical dimensions of cynicism" that characterize it especially in the "leaders", say politicians: the practices that are humor, hostility, sarcasm, disrespect, laughter, the joke, the mockery, the provocation, the criteria of validity, which are: the non -coherence between thought, word and action;The fundamental, resistance, impassibility, evil, lies;And those of root, which are self -domain, irony, scandal, exaggeration and artificial dogmatism.

Perhaps many of the 130 million Mexicans have practiced cynicism in our daily life in an unconscious way.However, the vast majority have not done so.So why could we be considered a country of cynics..?

Cinism in insecurity

We are cynical as our leaders are.We are cynics when we accept the cynicism of our politicians, those who make the decisions that daily affect our health, our security and our pocket.

He is President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Cínico when he defends Delfina Gómez, Secretary of Public Education, after the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) verified -with legal evidence - that, when she was a municipal president of Texcoco, Le Le Le.He retained dozens of workers, for three years, 10 percent of his salary against his will, to gather a fund for Morena, which implied having violated the electoral law, in addition to the commission of other crimes that would be to be denounced by the partof those affected, such as abuse of authority, fraud and deviation of resources.

The question that arises is, is this the example for the millions of students of the National Educational System: the impunity and violation of the law?

The President of the Republic is cynical when he says that the teacher Delfina "is an exemplary woman" and that what is in this scandal is a campaign against her political image and aspirations to be governor of the State of Mexico.

‘México, un país de cínicos’ Acosos sexuales de la 4T Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo de Adán Augusto López Hernández El recuento de daños

It is updated in this case, in the person of López Obrador, the definition of cynicism as a "person who lies with impudence and defends or practices in a blatant, impual and dishonest way something that deserves general disapproval".

It is presidential cynicism to defend and appoint Pedro Salmerón in Panama, publicly accused of several women of sexual harassment, as also happened with Félix Salgado, when he made him a candidate for the governorship of Guerrero.

The president of Mexico and its harlequins are cynical: Sergio Gutiérrez, leader of the deputies;Mario Delgado, leader of his party, and Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of the CDMX, when they replicate the 'precise' and attack and whip the INE for their high salaries and excessive expenses such as food payment of their “pets” (dogs ofprotection and safety of the institute).

Isn't it cynicism "see the straw in the eye of others and not the beam in your own"?

Of republican austerity to revocation of mandate

For many specialists in the field, the badly called republican austerity becomes a cynical and demagogic attitude with the promotion of a useless and expensive "revocation" -four billion pesos, only to scrub the adversaries, the great support"Popular", which the president and his party enjoy.

It is cynicism and demagogy for the alleged sale of the presidential plane, whose maintenance and "pension" expenses are still paying;The waste for the cancellation of Texcoco airport.

Is it an example of republican austerity to move with your family, in the midst of luxury, ostentation and opulence, to a real palace that is a "national museum", which belongs to the people?

In Mexico the presidents had lived since 1934 at the official residence of Los Pinos.AMLO did the opposite, emulating his admired president Lázaro Cárdenas, who declined to live in Chapultepec Castle, considering him ostentatious, to move to a ranch that ended up becoming Los Pinos.

Another great inconsisten.Del Mayor, José Ramón López, it is known that, with his Brazilian wife, he gives herself the life of Prince.A luxurious life, with residence in Houston, Texas, who has not had a reco in showing on his social networks, such as when they took viral photographs published with his partner enjoying a vacation in Aspen, Colorado, a super -lust destination.

The children of the president, José Ramón, Andrés Manuel and Gonzalo Alfonso López Beltrán, publicly became the example of opulence, opprobrium and excesses.

Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, the most political of the brothers, who could be the pride of “presidential nepotism”, already tells in the 4T government with a superstructure of young officials who report first in their desk, and then in the headof the Executive Power.

The smallest of the López Beltrán, Gonzalo Alfonso, went to "work" in the structure of the San Francisco Giants team.

In mid -2019 a photograph was made public in which the president's son shared the honor box of the Regiomontano Stadium of the Sultans, with businessmen Alfonso Romo, Carlos Bremer and Carlos Slim.

In insecurity there is cynicism, sarcasm and presidential laughter

It is cynicism sarcasm and presidential laughter, when a national newspaper publishes that there was a "massacre" in the country and a record of deaths from organized crime is broken.

It is cynicism to say every morning that "we are going to be", but without results or hard data, especially in safety, education and health.

What results can be expected with collaborators 90% honesty and 10% capacity.Improvised, without capacity, without experience and without profile, but yes, all honest and "left".A journalist at the head of the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection to solve the most serious problem: "insecurity", in defense of "non -bullets";An electoral operator and fundraising for campaigns, at the head of the most important project in the country, the SEP;An agronomist at the head of Pemex, whose merit is to have been the Senior of AMLO in the CDMX, and who has administered his income.

The greatest electoral fraud in history

For collaborators like this, the president does not use a credit card, has never submitted a tax declaration and has had enough money for three presidential campaigns;The skilled - now “left” - author of the greatest electoral fraud in recent history (1988) at the head of the CFE and promoter of the controversy “electrical reform”;The most disastrous and guilty of our world record in deaths from Covid, López-Gatell, with the worst results of the world in pandemic management ... so which transformation?What results?What regime do you want to change and for which other?

Say what kind of country they want.It will be Norway, Denmark, or will be Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia.What have resolved in favor of the poor, but to increase their number and turn into gifts, to "personal title", the support of "social programs".

Is it not cynicism to insist that "corruption is over" and that the stairs of corruption "sweep up down"?

In the facts, collaborators and "close" to AMLO have acted in the opposite direction.It is only enough to review some scandals and cases that have been made public in the government of the fourth transformation.

The accusations of corruption in Sener, Pemex, IMSS, CNDH, Conagua, Indep, Conade and Segalmex.There is the case of the resignation of the former director of the Institute to return the stolen people, Jaime Cárdenas, who denounced before the FGr corruption of the current cadres of the institute in the auctions and theft of articles and jewels.

There are the scandals of the brothers Pío and Martín López Obrador, the president's premium contracts in Pemex and IMSS.

There are also media cases of the closest collaborators who have scratched in cynicism: Manuel Bartlett (houses and contracts of his son);Rocío Nahle (relatives);Octavio Romero (relatives);Irma Eréndira Sandoval and John Ackerman (Casas);Yeidckol Polevnsky (Ghost Real Estate).

It is presidential cynicism to say that now the FGR is "autonomous" and that political revenge is not theirs, when we see how that institution uses, in charge of the procurement of justice, against its political enemies.Rosario Robles, Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, Ricardo Anaya and even Conacyt scientists.

The Veracruz case, in which he defends and praises the qualities of Governor Cuitláhuac García, after the questioned detention of José Manuel del Río Virgen, who is a technical secretary of the Jucopo and friend of Monreal."I stop José Manuel, so that you understand Ricardo" who commands and who puts the rules of the succession.

If the President of the Republic is cynical, should we consider Mexico a country of cynics?

There are millions of complicit Mexicans of cynicism when they believe that a "fourth transformation" is underway;when they believe that corruption, nepotism and practices of "neoliberalism" are over;And when there is still the hope that the country's leader has the ability to get the country out of the crisis and re -make it for the way of well -being and social justice.

Maybe without realizing it, and without pretending, we have become a country of cynics.

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