Male aesthetic surgery: trends, procedures and data

Male aesthetic surgery: trends, procedures and data

Male aesthetic surgery: trends, procedures and data

  1. Status

Durante la última década, la disciplina de la Cirugía Estética Plástica ha tenido un crecimiento exponencial entre los hombres a medida que ha aumentado su interés por el cuidado personal, el aspecto físico y la belleza, pero también por la salud y el bienestar: La Cirugía Estética Plástica tiene una finalidad terapéutica, al promover, mantener y restablecer la salud psicofísica de las personas, buscando mejorar su autoestima y calidad de vida a través de procedimientos médico-quirúrgicos. Esta tendencia de crecimiento continuado del interés por los procedimientos quirúrgicos estéticos y reparadores tiene un carácter global: En 2018 crecían un 5,6 % el número de intervenciones y en 2019 su porcentaje de crecimiento aumentaba al 7,1%. España, se sitúa en el puesto Nº12 a nivel mundial del total de intervenciones realizadas por país, con alrededor de 400.000 intervenciones al año según SECPRE, la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Reparadora y Estética. Cirugía estética masculina: tendencias, procedimientos y datos  Cirugía estética masculina: tendencias, procedimientos y datos

Gender, a determining factor:

The figures demonstrate this great cultural change in Spain, because a few years ago the demand for male cosmetic surgery was only 2%, however, now this figure is around 10%.That is, around 40.000 aesthetic plastic operations in men a year.At European level, the Spaniards are the seconds that take care of their image under aesthetic surgery.There is no doubt that the Spaniards like to be attractive and be admired for it.


According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, predictions and trends in this discipline in relation to men are mainly three:

Daddy-Do-Over, la tendencia creciente principal en hombres en 2021: El Daddy-Do-Over es la contraparte masculina del Mommy Makeover, entendido como el término que se utiliza para referirse a un conjunto de operaciones que algunas mujeres se realizan tras dar a luz para recuperar su figura.Specifically, mammoplasty, abdominastia and liposuction.Men will seek combined therapies, as women do, unifying in a single intervention a series of aesthetic procedures (surgical and non -surgical).The doctor.Gómez Bravo, president of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, explains: "We have been observing the rise of aesthetic plastic surgery in men in recent years, since although many men take care of themselves, they do not get a muscular definition according to the effort with the effortwhat are they doing.Therefore, we can appreciate that the treatments that help us to achieve a greater definition of our body are rising ".

"In addition, the physical aspect can worsen because of work stress and more and more men seek to rejuvenate to be more competent in the labor market.In this area, we also appreciate that more and more young people do not want.

Minimally invasive techniques:

 Cirugía estética masculina: tendencias, procedimientos y datos

With continuous technological advances and innovation in techniques and procedures, plastic surgeons are able to improve the results of patients with aesthetic treatments and less and less invasive surgeries.This allows to individualize and optimize even more patient care.

Z generation, potential patients of the aesthetic market:

The Z generation, that is, all the people born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, are digital natives and have grown with beauty referents in social networks.The trend between these people is precisely the use of social networks to find a plastic surgeon and investigate aesthetic procedures.In addition, they will seek aesthetic surgery solutions as a preventive measure and non -surgical way.

Patient profile:

Along these lines, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) has published that 49% of Americans who have not undergone plastic surgery are now considering performing some type of cosmetic or reconstructive treatment.According to ASPS, the main profile of male patients are a man around 40 years of age, which is when the first signs of aging begin and when economically the male patient is more accommodated.On the other hand, the DR.Gómez Bravo, president of AECEP (Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) has stated: "Currently, because teleworking makes convalescence and recovery easier and prevents you from seeing one, we are noticing an increase in the patient's profileThat it is a very common group in our consultations, executives, people who travel a lot and who do not usually get two weeks free to be quietly at home and now take advantage; in addition, the mask allows to hide post surgical inflammation ".

The top 5 of surgeries:

Aesthetic plastic surgery for men are those surgical interventions aimed at retaking or remodeling some part of your body with the aesthetically improving and therefore feeling better with oneself improving self -esteem and personal confidence.Among the most demanded male aesthetic operations we can divide them into two types:

Operaciones de cirugía estética plástica facial: Son aquellas que tienen como finalidad retocar aspectos del rostro como la blefaroplastia, la rinoplastia o la otoplastia.They are carried out fundamentally to rejuvenate the face or regenerate some deformity.

Operaciones de remodelación corporal: Son aquellas que permiten mejorar la silueta como la liposucción o la ginecomastia.They are generally performed to eliminate the fat located in some parts of the body.

Según el último informe de SECPRE, el Top 5 de intervenciones quirúrgicas preferidas y más demandadas entre los pacientes hombres en España son:

Ginecomastia - Chest surgery (19.8%)

It is the preferred intervention by men both in Spain and worldwide.It is the aesthetic plastic surgery that aims to correct gynecomastia, that is, the objective of this procedure is to reduce fat or tissue pads in the male chest, thus reducing the size of the chest, flattening and improving its contour.

Liposuction (16.85%)

Liposuctions the surgical technique that allows to reduce fat in those parts of the body of man where it is usually accumulated.In man, the areas where fat is most accumulated are the sock, abdomen, chest, waist and back sides.In these areas it is more difficult to eliminate it despite practicing physical exercise or making a severe diet.Therefore, liposuction is a personalized technique that is carried out based on the needs of each male body.According to the latest ASPS report, the American society of aesthetic plastic surgery, was a more demanded procedure among men among US men in 2020.Perhaps to remove the fat caused by confinement in confinement.

Rhinoplasty (12.7%)

Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic surgery operation that allows to improve the aesthetics of the nose remodeling its cartilage and bones.Rhinoplasty solves aesthetic problems of the nose such as bone giba, which is the bone that stands out from the nose, deviations to the right or to the left of the nasal septum, and congenital malformations such as the leporino lip or vascular tumors.

Blepharoplasty - eyelid surgery (12.2%)

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a surgical treatment that allows you to rejuvenate the eyes correcting dark circles and fallen eyelids.When time passes, it is normal for fatty and excess skin bags in the upper and lower eyelids.These imperfections age.According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, this is the intervention that most increased its popularity in the last year.Makes sense that this is related to the use of mask.

Otoplasty - Ear surgery (10.5%)

Ears autotoplasty or surgery is an aesthetic surgery to correct the position and separation of the ears.In short, correct the ears in handle or blow.There is also reconstructive otoplastic.

Preferred surgeries depending on the patient's age:

From the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, they point out that the youngest mainly demand rhinoplasty.In Middle Ages, the most requested facial surgeries are that of eyelids and the submandibular reduction (La Puero).As for the body, the most popular is the liposuction of high definition, mainly, among athletes who fail to define any specific area ".

About AECEP:

La AECEP es la organización líder que reúne a los más prestigiosos y mejor formados Cirujanos Plásticos especializados en cirugía estética de España, todos ellos con amplia experiencia en las más modernas técnicas quirúrgicas y mínimamente invasivas y con una más que probada ética profesional.The ultimate goal of AECEP is to connect patients with prestigious professionals improving their well -being.Among the services of the association, we find the guidance and advice of the patient beyond the intervention, where security and health quality prevail, and provide the patient with medical care, emotional and psychological support.



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