The announcement of the Christmas Lottery 2018 is here

The announcement of the Christmas Lottery 2018 is here

The announcement of the Christmas Lottery 2018 is here

The announcement of the 2018 Christmas Lottery has arrived, so now we can officially say that Christmas is just around the corner (pause to release all the emotion). In recent years we have been with a heavy heart and on the verge of tears every time we saw the ad, but on this occasion, its director, Javier Ruiz Caldera (3 more weddings), has decided that humor should be the protagonist of the ad from 2018, which is titled 22, again. Although, we anticipate that you will also need the clínex...

The short film, which lasts five and a half minutes, begins with Juan (Luis Bermejo), its protagonist, a locksmith who is convinced by the waitress of the cafeteria stall in the market where he has his business to agree to share a tenth lottery ticket that in the end he decides to stay for himself. The character is rather a kind of Evenicen Scrush, always in a bad mood, who does not share or do anything for others.

The next day, December 22 and Lottery day, Juan wakes up maintaining that attitude as a flag, until he discovers that he has won the Gordo. From this moment on, history repeats itself day by day, getting tired of winning the Gordo so many times until he discovers what the Christmas Lottery prize really is.

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This short of the Christmas Lottery, which arrives as a nod to the movie Trapped in Time, by Harold Ramis and starring Bill Murray, improves as the minutes go by, making its ending have nothing to envy to that so emotional Bar Antonio in 2014; to the one of the retired teacher with whom all his town shares the illusion of him when he believed that he had won the Gordo when seeing the repetition of the previous year on television; or Justino, the factory's security guard and the first animated character of the Lottery.

Press 'play' and get caught up in the Christmas spirit!

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