'TightLining', the antifatiga eye makeup trick of Queen Letizia

'TightLining', the antifatiga eye makeup trick of Queen Letizia

'TightLining', the antifatiga eye makeup trick of Queen Letizia

The impeccable makeup of Queen Letizia hides numerous professional tricks such as Strobing, a technique that sculpts traits through the application of an illuminator in strategic areas of the face.As for the unwritten rule that for a look not to be recharged, choose between highlighting the eyes or lips, the queen usually bets on the former and frames them with light smoked in earth tones such as brown or garnet.Another secret that enlarges and beautifies the look and that usually looks in the vast majority of its public appearances is tightling, a form of delineated that helps to camouflage the signs of tiredness and even get the color of the iris to seem more intense.

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'TightLining': The technique that hides tired

Although he has always opted to highlight his eyes green than his lips, in the time of mask the choice seems even more inevitable.In addition to Doña Letizia's inclination by the smoked in the reddish earth tones that favor it, it usually carries the entire water line (both the upper and the lower one) completely delineated with a dark pencil, a technique baptized as tightling: "Delineate must be very subtle, it must be applied in the internal zone of the upper eyelid, achieving an intense look effect.Thus, we will get a more fresh, rested and young look, "they explain from the beauty brand Bionike.

In addition to the upper water line, in the look of Queen Letizia highlights the importance that lends to the corner of the tear that also emphasizes a dark pencil.Thanks to this detail, the shape of the eye widens and the expression intensifies instantly.As for the colors with which to copy makeup, experts recommend the most natural tones as the queen does: "To delineate the eyes at a certain age we discard the black color, better to use brown tones that soften and give freshness toThe look, "says professional makeup artist Cristina Lobato.

'Tightlining', el truco de maquillaje de ojos antifatiga de la reina Letizia

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Two tricks with 'lifting effect'

In addition to TightLining, Doña Letizia is also the perfect example of how important eyebrows are for any look.Theirs are designed in ascending sense and with a marked arch: "If you want to know the exact point where the eyebrow should get out, keep the pencil stuck to the fin of the nose but launch it in a way that passes through the iris in a straight line.There would be the highest point of your eyebrow, "they reveal from the beauty brand Amelia Cosmetics, whose experts also explain that" to find out the end of the eyebrows, continue with the pencil stuck in the fin of the nose and move it until I coincideWith the outer end of the eye.That point that indicates, will be just where your eyebrow must end ".

Finally, the eyelashes is essential to finish off any eye makeup, and can be applied in different ways.Instead of focusing only on the exteri.In this way, which is achieved using the brush from bottom to top, it contributes to enhance the "opening effect" that the rest of the makeup already achieves.

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