The amazing trick of 'arc contouring that does magic on the skin

The amazing trick of 'arc contouring that does magic on the skin

The amazing trick of 'arc contouring that does magic on the skin

We love discovering new makeup techniques.But we like to discover easy to copy tricks that get an almost professional result.As in fashion, beauty trends are always updated, so that new ways of joining them always arise.One of the viral reinventions of the season is associated with contouringy (with permission from the Kardashian clan) this even better makeup trick.Whether the original technique fascinates you as if you never dared for the amount of steps to follow, we dare to say that you will be encouraged to try it.

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The definitive video to test the 'contouring' (and raze)

How many tutorials have you seen about contouring?Surely many, but we are sure that none like this.It is undoubtedly a video that would enchant Kendall or Kylie Jenner, because Seadapta to trends, allows you to play with the products you already have in Tunseser and what super pretty factions playing with lights and shadows.Without a doubt, a viral video to keep in our Tiktok profile or pass it to friends.Original, fun and very easy.Take out our most artist because, literally we draw an rainbow on our face.

El alucinante truco del 'contouring arco iris' que hace magia en la piel

What is needed?As in any rainbow, several different colors;specifically, in this case there are five.One of our skin base, two darker, one lighter and a pink;You can choose them in fluid texture or makeup stick, the easiest to use.You will also need a brush or a sponge and the fixing spray you use.As you can imagine, with each of them we will hide or give volume to those parts of the face that we want to sculpt.Of course, achieving that natural effect that we like and with a double benefit because this makeup also saves time and number of products.

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The steps to follow

Let's do it!As you will see in the video, we start marking the cheeks with the pink color, from a cheek, above the nose and to the other side.The blush is one of the Make Up trends that does not fail among the centennials, here is not lacking.We continue to illuminate the look with the clearest tone, with the same curved line.Now touch the darkest tone under pink color, that will help create more volume in the cheekbones.Make the wide lines, do not cut yourself.We will do the forehead and line with the tone of our color.

We return to the dark again, to the darkest tone of all.We also mark the front and the lines around the mouth.With the clearest tone, we enhance the chin and other points of light on the face, such as the forehead.We are drawing a literal rainbow, and it will be so beautiful, that you will not want to erase it from your face.Finally, a last pink line in the highest forehead and fixed everything with spray, without fear! Shoot the look with the best moisturizing lipsticks.

Look at the mirror, you'll hallucinate.Now it's time to blur all makeup ... et voilá!This contouring rainbow disappears to give rise to those desired volumes in the face.A technique that uses contouring and highlighting in an easy and fun way.A viral and definitive makeup trick with which we use the best of each technique.

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