Prose in trouble! Brand responds to fake news about its products

Prose in trouble! Brand responds to fake news about its products

Prose in trouble! Brand responds to fake news about its products

In different social networks, accusations began to circulate against Prosa Productos Naturales, a Mexican brand dedicated to the production and sale of beauty items and natural food supplements for an alleged statement in which irregularities against the company were detected.

According to the publications, the Prosa Productos Naturales brand would face a problem with the Ministry of Health and the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), who "insured another 38 thousand 684 units of miracle products as part of the sanitary verification made to the company of Plantas Medicinales Anáhuac S.A. of C.V. and Prosa Natural Products S.A. de C.V.”

The foregoing is read within a screenshot of a statement issued by COFEPRIS, which also states that in both cases the health authority "demonstrated that these companies incurred in various irregularities such as the use of prohibited ingredients, image , brand and allusive names and for the lack of denomination”.

Prosa defends itself

Although the screenshot is real, because the statement does exist, the truth is that the information was published on January 23, 2016, where it is even stated that 403.5 kg were secured. of raw material, 165 bottles of finished product and 5,801 product labels called artichokes”.

Prose in trouble! Brand responds to fake news about its products

In the face of such a situation, Prosa Productos Naturales came out to defend itself from its social networks, where it issued a statement accompanied by the following description:

Similarly, Prosa assured that the company is fully and duly registered and indicated that it is governed by the guidelines of COFEPRIS, which regulates the facilities, ingredients and processes, as well as under the guidelines established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its export products.

It acknowledged the case of Cofepris

Likewise, the company acknowledged that in 2016 there was a visit and assurance of material, product and label at its facilities, thanks to the fact that in the same year a “ boom” for artichoke products.

Likewise, Prosa assured that "at that time we manufactured capsules with a mixture of Artichoke, Apple Vinegar and Nopal", but these stopped being manufactured and sold, as did other companies in the naturist environment.

COFEPRIS ended up seizing the products, as well as the raw materials, in this case the surplus detained in the warehouse of powder, materials and finished product, however, once the Commission eliminated the restriction on the use of Artichoke, "it was he released what was insured to us and in fact the capsules… were the first in Mexico classified as a Food Supplement”.

In conclusion, Prosa asserted that the event cited in the statement has no relationship with its beauty products, not to mention that today artichoke products are marketed without major problems.

What there is to learn about the Prosa case

Information on social networks is vast, so on many occasions a publication with outdated or erroneous information can become a trend and, in this case, affect the reputation of a brand and concern consumers.

According to a report by Digital 2021, 56.4 percent of internet users globally show concern about not knowing which news is real and which is fake news. Similarly, data from Statista indicate that with 59.5 percent, Mexico is one of the countries most concerned about the veracity of the information.

With this in mind, the actions of the brand to react to stop the spread of false information were appropriate according to the situation and the communication channel, since it is the same one in which fake news is disseminated.


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