Media and consumers force to withdraw the ‘sugar daddy’ products that “bleach prostitution”

Media and consumers force to withdraw the ‘sugar daddy’ products that “bleach prostitution”

Media and consumers force to withdraw the ‘sugar daddy’ products that “bleach prostitution”

La organización de consumidores FACUA: “The Association warned that these products normalize that there are women who maintain relationships with men older than them in exchange for gifts, money or other prebendas”.Medios y consumidores obligan a retirar los productos ‘Sugar Daddy’ que “blanquean la prostitución” Medios y consumidores obligan a retirar los productos ‘Sugar Daddy’ que “blanquean la prostitución”

Primor perfumeries sold a palette of eye shadows for girls that simulates a credit card that "the sugar daddy [dad sweet] gives the girl to buy what she wants in exchange for sex," said Carme Chaparro in Yahoo.

"Credit cards for adolescents who go to bed with old people".Great indignation in the networks against the Krash Kosmetics house that produces them and the primary perfume chain that sold them.This disgusting sale created a great digital controversy that has ended with the withdrawal of the product.

Friday, April 9, 2021. La asociación de consumidores FACUA se sumó el pasado miércoles a las voces que pedían la retirada de los productos de maquillaje ‘Sugar Daddy’, a la venta en la cadena malagueña de perfumerías PRIMOR de Krash Kosmetics, por “blanquear la prostitución”, tal y como se puede leer en la web de la organización (AQUÍ). Como denunció la conocida periodista de televisión y escritora Carme Chaparro en Yahoo (AQUÍ), el maquillaje parece “una tarjeta de crédito que el ‘Sugar Daddy (Papá dulce)’ da a la niña para que compre lo que desee a cambio de sexo”.The IRMO's response consisted of silling Facua on Twitter. La directora de redes de PRIMOR es Gianella Ligato, polémica mujer del concejal tránsfuga de Málaga Juan Cassa, que ya ha tenido otras broncas digitales (AQUÍ), como la que tuvo con la escritora Lucía Etxebarría.But the response of the cosmetics manufacturer, Krash Kosmetics, before the increasing. Es una información de EL OBSERVADOR.

The FACUA organization joined the voices that claimed the withdrawal of the makeup products line of the IssueWith men older than them in exchange for gifts, money or other pre -exploits ”.From the association they stressed that "the term Sugar Daddy refers to men who have much younger relationships with women and in which the economic factor - recording gifts or money - is fundamental".

Facua criticized that “a terminology that masks and presents relationships that are only an undercover form of prostitution, and warns of the danger that leads to launching this message among the younger consumers”"A real nonsense that the brand continues to fall into completely retrograde and misogynist stereotypes to sell their products, presenting women as wasteful who only seek the money of men to buy everything they want.".In this way they urged "IFRY AND KRASH to withdraw this line of products from the sale to normalize a situation of violence against women using it as a sales strategy".

PRIMOR bloquea a FACUA

Medios y consumidores obligan a retirar los productos ‘Sugar Daddy’ que “blanquean la prostitución”

The Icker's response consisted of blocking Facua on Twitter, as his spokesman Rubén Sánchez tweeted.It must be remembered that the director of IFFRY NETWORKS IS GIANELLA LINK, POLLETIC WOMAN OF THE TRANSFFUGE Councilor of the City of Mälaga, Juan Cassa, who has already had other digital broncas (here) on previous occasions.As one that had with the well -known writer Lucía Etxebarría, because the author accused a sprite store, the one located in Sol, in Madrid, of being racist for the treatment given to Latin workers, of which he witnessed (here).Primor's response was the same as this time, blocking the writer, according to Etxebarría herself wrote on her Twitter: “By the way, I have blocked me, because I said that this morning I have witnessed how one of her managers in perfumeryFrom sun to throw a anger shouting to an employee and has ended up saying that "she is fed up with panchos" (here).

The manufacturer's response, Krash Kosmetics, was more accurate and withdrew the product from the premium shelves.His CEO and founder, Álvaro Kruse, launched a statement by announcing it.Facua has hung on its website an explanation of what happened that, due to its interest we reproduce Integra for readers.It can be read here in its original support.

Tras la denuncia de FACUA por blanquear la prostitución, KrasKosmetics retira su maquillaje Sugar Daddy

The Association warned that these products normalize that there are women who maintain relationships with men older than them in exchange for gifts, money or other prebendas

After Facua-Consumnadores in Action for whitening prostitution, the company Krash Kosmetics has announced the withdrawal of the market of its sugar Daddy makeup line, marketed on its website and in the spring perfumeries.The Association claimed that these products be marketed since with their sales strategy they standard.

Through their respective profiles on Instagram, Krash Kosmetics and their founder and CEO, Álvaro Kruse, have published an "official statement" in which they announce that "given the controversy generated", they have "made the decision to withdraw the Sugar Daddy collection"."Our intention has never been to hurt since at any time it represents the values of our brand".The initial motto was always ‘Be your own sugar daddy’ and we feel that it has been decontextualized by the lack of media information.All our distributors will withdraw the collection as soon as possible ».

The alleged decontextualization that according to the brand has been subject to the advertising strategy of these products is contradicted with the messages published on their social networks.Thus, on its Facebook page an image released on December 3 can be seen where, in a allegedly humorous tone, it indicates that Sugar Daddy and Sugar Mommy are terms that are used “to refer to the man or woman who spends money for the benefit ofA relationship, usually being your younger partner than him/her and often spending their income in Krash Kosmetics ».

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Among these products, there is a makeup palette that has the appearance of a credit card and colors with names like is that your dad?, Paid weekly or it could be its grandson, as well as lipstick called no credit limit or bizum of 500€.

The term Sugar Daddy refers to men who have much younger relationships with women and in which the economic factor - recording gifts or money - is fundamental.Facua criticized that Krash used as a mark of his products a terminology that masks and presents as desirable and positive relationships that are but an undercover form of prostitution, and warns of the danger that leads to launching this message among the younger consumers.

Similarly, the association considered a real nonsense that the brand continued to fall into completely retrograde and misogynistic stereotypes to sell their products, presenting women as overthrowers who only look for the money of men to buy everything they want.


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