Mara wears and fits

Mara wears and fits

Mara wears and fits

No, no, let's see, calm, I'm not going to strain your chimney tonight to steal your shoes (or if? Do you fit a size 39?).I come to say goodbye to this space.It is not a farewell of those sad that include music by Ludovico Einaudi and funds in black, I go because life leads me for other paths.

My mother, my best photographer

My mother, so many years writing clown and making bad jokes and now I get to use educated words.What there is to read.But it has been more than three years writing four times a week.Do you know what that is?

I have taken this blog everywhere.I have taken it to the Italian Alps when I went to work as au pair, I have taken it for a year and a half to Milan while I studied the master and worked and I took it to all my vacations at any time of the year.

Asturias, Barcelona, London and Rom.So for three years.

In three years I have been lucky to meet people who not only stay in the blog but have become part of my life.I was lucky to interview a young Catalan illustrator, Georgina Gerónimo (May 2016, Gina!) And now she is one of my best friends.It was thanks to this space that Editorial Planeta wanted to count on me to write three of his books in the collection for girls with haste (which you can gossip here if you want to read me in physical format).In the time that I have spent here, I have learned that everything in life goes through something and that I want and love what we do only brings good things in return.

And no, it has not been turkey mucus.In these three years I have had to get up even when I did not havehave to write the next day.

Mara viste y calza

As I have canceled romantic plans or appointments, cut phone calls or missing family plans because for me, the blog was first, my apologies to all those who have "suffered" in my own flesh some of my absences these three years.And, of course, thanks for understanding it.

Also thanks to my parish, to the readers that I have had, from those who usually read me to those who have encountered me once once.The fact that someone dedicate a single time of their life to read something you have written is such an immense sensation that overflows.In fact you have to be very fan to continue reading the longest and least related article of my story and not having abandoned reading the reading.Thanks also for that.God pay you with avocados on offer.

I am very lucky that 20 minutes has always been there, supporting me and giving me the visibility that has led me to other opportunities.For this adventure worthy of the movie by Indiana Jones I will always be grateful, with all her heart, to Melisa yours, who proposed one day to the fellow who wore with a hat that she presented to the test to write a new fashion blog that would launch the newspaper.He took me from my keyboard -based comfort zone and here I am.Melisa, you have a chair at my wedding with the right to open bar and dessert table if one day I get married.

While I wrote this blog I have combined hostess work, I have been a girl from the closet, nanny, image of a football stadium, infinite fellow, photographer, stylist, community manager, writer and, finally, fashion journalist in the digital version of the magazine of the magazineHello, which is why I leave this space in the face of the incompatibility of signing in both media (so you know where you can find me).

I hope that in these three years and more than 600 written themes you have stayed with the most important message: you have to love yourself a lot and well.Getting without importing the sizes, the sizes, the hairs, the grains, that a tit is always larger than the other or that you have inherited the fingers of your uncle Joaquín's feet.

Remember that fashion is to have fun, to play, to dare.It is a serious but not too much thing, does not save kittens trapped in a tree, although, in my case, I still make my heart beating like the first day I saw a live parade without knowing that this was only the beginning.

September 2013, my first parade in MBFWM

I say goodbye to 20 minutes with my heart full of all the good that this experience has given me and wishing the best of luck to the rest of my classmates in the newspaper.Let us continue talking, writing, pointing, informing and giving voice to those people or causes that do not announce in any other way that is not through the media.That is what makes this profession great.

With love,


[And can you also find me on Twitter or Facebook?]

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