Makeup Artist, a passion - El Diario - Bolivia

Makeup Artist, a passion - El Diario - Bolivia

Makeup Artist, a passion - El Diario - Bolivia

Our beautiful guest of the day is a makeup artist whose work has led her to experiment in different styles, according to the final work she demanded it.While she is a political scientist by profession, the fluctuations of life have led her to discover the profession that she loves definitively.In this exclusive we know more about her and her work ... are all welcome to the show.


Who is Patricia?

POLIDOTHEREFICLORE AS A FIRST PROFESSION, Makeup Lover Since I have a reason for reason hahaha, makeup artist as a second profession 12 years ago and with an entrepreneurship in this area 6 years ago, passionate about what I do.I currently exercise both professions, but I dedicate more time to my career as a makeup artist and my venture.


When do you discover your affinity with the art of makeup?

As I mentioned before, this item always caught my attention, but I never thought about working as a makeup artist, I discovered that this magical world was for me when I took my first self -filming course with the Mac brand in Chile in 2007, I knew how to say that this courseHe opened my curiosity to learn more professionally with the idea of learning to make up professionally, that is where my search for a professional makeup course began, but I never thought that years later I can practice as a profession and enjoy so much my job.

How would you define your makeup style?

Makeup artist, una pasión - El Diario - Bolivia

I would say that it has a social style glam.

What is your greatest virtue as a makeup professional?

I do not know if virtue but I love teaching all my tips and secrets of makeup to my students, they are tips or experiences that I lived throughout my career and although I took several courses with different makeup artists I never had a certain type of specific guidance, for the same always food my classes with experiences, advice, tips and secrets.

What great makeup have been influences for you?

In my beginnings Cris Ordaz, a makeup blogger that at that time was one of the few and best makeup artists with high dominance.I took virtual courses with her and inspired me pile.Subsequently Mmmmichellme inspired his talent so much, I love his technique.And in recent years Brazilian makeup artists, since my technique leans more to them.

Do you conceive the human body as a ready to be worked?

Of course, as I always say are my perfect canvases ... with different factions, features, colors and even skin types.

What is the type of makeup that you enjoy?

My girlfriends!Actually I love this whole world and I enjoy it to the fullest, but the makeup for brides is what excites me the most.From the moment of advising them, testing, etc..since it is a makeup of a lot of detail and neatness;I am very perfectionist and I think that in them I show it to the fullest.I try to give them all possible options for them to feel comfortable and safe in their day.Besides, I feel very grateful for being part of him.

Have you delved into FX makeup (special effects) for theater or audiovisual productions?

I have FX courses and work done for productions, spots, and videos.But the date that most exploded this type of makeup is for Halloween, really every year is a new challenge with new characters and also that in terms of products related to special effects, wonders come out which we cannot stop trying.Generally on this date I do works for companies, spots and models.

Of the many makeup work that you have done throughout your career, which has meant more professional challenge and why?

I think that makeup for cameras in general, since the factions have to be well highlighted, without sinning with the loaded.The theme of light often plays you against, the location, the character you want to convey with makeup, etc..It is a beautiful and much learning challenge

What kind of makeup have you not done jobs at the time and would you like to venture?

I have several courses conducted with airbrush, but so far I did not make a body paint with this tool because of time, and lack of products, since they are special products which are not very easy to access in our country.But some time I will do it.

And what is the make -up style with which you feel the most comfortable?

For the theme of my clients, over the years, I think I already focused a lot on social makeup.I try to update myself constantly in national and international courses with specialty in weddings that, it could be said that it is where I feel most comfortable and free.

What projects do you have for this pandemic 2021?

Something big is coming! Like many because of the theme of pandemia we freeze projects or even modify them, but I characterize me by not giving me up, so I soon hope to be able to specify what I worked for many years and because my clients deserve it.Expand the study and courses.


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