How to put on makeup for a rhythmic gymnastics competition?

How to put on makeup for a rhythmic gymnastics competition?

How to put on makeup for a rhythmic gymnastics competition?

A gymnast is not only an athlete, but above all an artist. For a successful presentation, you need a complex and well tested program, just like a bright suit, minimalist styling and beautiful makeup. How to make it expressive and what kind of cosmetics should it apply? We propose to read our article for stylist tips.

Color harmony

First, makeup is done in the same color scheme as the suit. If it is black or white, contrasting shades of eye shadows can be used. The silver and golden nuances also look good with a fabric suit without drawing. When looking for the eye shadow palette https: / / / brand / 29159 /, buy the one that contains the most tones. With your help you can always find a color that suits any clothing. In addition, it should not be forgotten that makeup should match the theme and style of the presentation.


This is one of the main rules of sports makeup. During active movements, the face sweats, so it is so important that the base, mascara and eye liner are water-resistant. Lipstick should be durable so as not to stain the dress or face if it is accidentally touched. Makeup has to remain impeccable during the program and all day of the competition.

The participants wait for their turn for a long time. And after the program is over, they wait until the results are announced. Then they take part in a photo shoot or award ceremony. Do not forget the high temperatures in the gym: makeup must be able to withstand them. It's good to use a special makeup fixator spray in advance. Thanks to it the color cream and facial powder do not lose their aesthetic view due to humidity.


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For the rhythmic gymnastics sportsman, facial expressions are fundamental. The girls show not only an excellent sports dance, but also acting skills. The participant with a beautiful makeup feels safer and smarter. Thus, makeup serves to emphasize facial expressions and look like a diamond. It is permitted to add decorative elements, powders with shining microparticles, tanning.

Stylists recommend applying a base of 1 to 2 shades darker than the girl's color. Normally, the room has very strong artificial lighting. Whitewash the pigment from the face and clear the shadows. Another reason why the presence of makeup on the face is mandatory: video filming takes place in competitions. In the video the colors are softened or neutralized.


Cosmetics for young athletes must be hypoallergenic and safe. They are goods labeled as "recommended by dermatologists." They can be purchased from specialized cosmetics stores or Using decorative products with a proven composition, rashes, irritations and allergic reactions to the skin are avoided. High quality cosmetics with rich pigments do not require multi-layered application. This means you Don't create a dense mask on your face. On the contrary, they provide a uniform but light and breathable finish. With such makeup, the girl feels comfortable.

In everyday life, makeup depends only on the taste and mood of the girl. For the competition, it is important to choose a special image, because the presentation is a small artistic performance.

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