Greta Fernández: «Now you can get to do a good project here, that is seen all over the world and directors from abroad catch you»

Greta Fernández: «Now you can get to do a good project here, that is seen all over the world and directors from abroad catch you»

Greta Fernández: «Now you can get to do a good project here, that is seen all over the world and directors from abroad catch you»

She has her own stamp that, at 26 years old, has made her one of the most outstanding actresses of her generation (Silver Shell for 'The daughter of a thief') and a style icon that firms like Gucci adore. It seems that, without intending to, everything Greta Fernández does exudes a special aura. He quotes Simone de Beauvoir –“Never forget that a political, economic or religious crisis will suffice for the rights of women to be questioned”–, she loves photography, she impresses with make-up like the one by Chanel that she wore at the Goya 2020 .

Her Instagram shows a lot of sea, unmade beds, family (she is the daughter of the writer Esmeralda Berbel and the actor Eduard Fernández), friends (Brays Efe, Úrsula Corberó). And fashion: Rocío Aguirre portrays her with clothes from Late Checkout (brand of the singer C. Tangana, with whom she has collaborated in several video clips) and Carlota Guerrero with bags from Les Marées. Just finished filming the series Sant0, a Spanish-Brazilian Netflix production, she happily assures that she is having a good time: “My goal is to open myself up to European, South American, and North American cinema. In my dad's generation everything was more closed. It was difficult for a very good actor to be known here. Now, with the platforms, you can get to make a good project here, that is seen all over the world and directors from abroad take you on”. She is ready to take that leap.

* Stylist: Beatriz Moreno de la Cova. Makeup and hairdressing: Miky Vallés for Mac cosmetics and Bobbi Brown. Photography assistant: Sergio Gosalbez. Styling assistant: Diego Serna.


Tags: Actresses|Spanish actresses|Greta Fernández

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