Cannabis even in the cream, is the so -called 'green gold' effective?
They tell us cannabis and in our mind a cloud of fragrant smoke is drawn, a joint and, if it has ever smoked, the memory of a blunder placidity.What has been a colocon, go, without further poetry.That, at least, for people who only know their most traditional and extended use, the recreational.Although, right now, there are already many 'consumers' who have never smoked a firecracker - feet, chirri, wood, canutof your skin.Because one of its main assets, the CBD, has become the last cosmetic 'boom' and is used by small brands and large firms.
What in recent times have we all seen how the colorful green house of marijuana appears in makeup boats, anti -aging creams, body lotions, shampoos, masks, massage oils and all kinds of products?Yes, it has ceased to be a symbol of hippies and Rastafaris.Even our grandmothers already like cannabis...even for the complexion.And, no, they will not catch any colocon for throwing a eye contour of the so -called new 'green gold'.Because?The marijuana that is smoked is the one that has a certain amount (at least 0.2%) of THC, the substance that produces psychotropic effects.When it does not reach that concentration, it is usually called 'Hemp' (in English) or hemp and we are talking about varieties that have no 'holidays' uses, but much cannabidiol (CBD), a legal substance and that does not place.
Moisturizing and anti -inflammatory
And does it have virtues for our skin?Let's see it from the purely biological point of view.«Various research shows that it has a cosmetic effect for skin care - explains Julio Rodríguez, molecular biologist and scientific disseminator -.Preliminary and laboratory clinical studies suggest that topical cannabinoids (mainly cannabidiol or CBD) have fatty acids that can be beneficial for the treatment of acne and for rejuvenation due to their moisturizing and anti -inflammatory effect ".
That is, yes, it has beneficial properties, but like many other species of the plant kingdom.The advantage of cannabis is that it is sophisticated and still retains a certain halo of transgression.When we talk about cosmetics, everything adds.Everything sells.Julián Rabbit-Mir, a professor of dermatology and specialist at the Sevillian Virgen del Rocío hospital, states that the cannabis boom in cosmetics enters within a trend «which began three or four years ago, when this industry set in the vegetable kingdom " for necessity'.Since 2000, cosmetics had begun to 'decorate' with more additives, some very powerful, such as retinoic acid and vitamin C, which today remain the most 'respectful' substances by dermatologists due to their properties - these well documented- To improve skin quality.
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But these assets are powerful-"almost medication," says Conejo-Mir– and cause allergies or irritations in some sensitive skins.«So the cosmetic industry took a turn to additives that did not complicate his life and looked towards the plant kingdom and plant extracts: lavender, orange blossom, pink, pineapple, papaya, cotton...The list is endless ", lists the professor.We arrive like this to the cannabis, which today heads this ranking.«He had a bad press for everything that surrounded the drug and his underworld, but now the cosmetic industry has washed his face and highlighted his good part: that Omega 3 and Omega 6 has and a certain anti -inflammatory effect...But also has the borage oil!(A branch where substances with biological capacity are already exploited to hydrate or grow collagen fibers, for example).In his opinion, the CBD - a mezcado with good excipients, a land in which a lot has been advanced - can be cosmetically competent and improve the appearance of the skin in the sense that with it they replenish lipids, “but todayIt does not have a scientific guarantee ".
And what applies to the face, a renowned dermatologist with 35 years of experience and a bright curriculum?"Fresh water and sun protection, I do not have much more time," says the professor, who, however, wants to make clear one thing: "Throughout my career I have been able to verify that whoever has the habit of taking care of my face withcreams, and the price gives more or less the same, it has better skin ".That is, it is not a detractor of cosmetics.Not at all.«It is an industry that has a high level of research behind and that moves more millions than the weapons sector.And for me it has a lot of magic, of prestidigitation...Not to fool, eye! ".Although, well, he points out some caveats: «In some advertisements they have come to say of a cream that 'is better than sex' or that 'removes wrinkles in seven days'.And that already..."
Very lax regulation
Snake poison, gold, caviar, pearl extract...How rare, the better?
In cosmetics it does not happen as it happens with medications.When a product is launched to the market, the firm that manufactures it does not need to present its real and detailed recipe to a regulatory body.Yes that certain information is asked, but very basic.Therefore, the concentration of some of its additives is, often, tiny, the fair to meet the file.There are cosmetics with exotic ingredients such as snake poison, snail drool, remote places flowers, caviar, gold, pearl extract... «Como mucho, esos productos tendrán algún componente que también está presente en el aditivo que anuncian", indica el catedrático Julián Conejo-Mir.At most, emphasize.
The truth is that the cosmetic industry has to be continuously reinventing, sales go in it.And, the more 'weird' is the claim, the more 'miracle' feeling, which is a bit what we all look for when we acquire products to improve our aspect and fight against the unbeatable: the passage of time.«The Egyptians already had a wonderful, spectacular cosmetic industry, with incense and orange blossom...", apunta el dermatólogo.That is, that humans have been looking for the elixir of eternal youth and perfection for centuries.Even in the weirdest things.For example, Japanese women have traditionally used nightingale droppings on the face, since it contains Guanina, a substance that, turned into a mask and mixed with other ingredients, clarifies the skin and disinflams.
Joseba del Valle Coordinator of the Renovatio Foundation
«En Estados Unidos hay un boom del CBD"
Hemp products have always had to deal with the law for the recreational use of cannabis.But.As its use has been extended for other purposes and that new varieties have been cultivated and their non -psychoactive substances have taken advantage of, it opens doors.«In the US it is widely used to elaborate fibers, for construction, as an insulator, in the bioenergetic sector...", repasa Joseba del Valle, coordinador de la Fundación Renovatio, que se centra en la divulgación y estudio del cannabis y sus posibilidades.It also organizes some of the main fairs in Spain focused on the product and the International Social Forum of Cannabis, where experts from around the world deal with their recreational, medicinal, cosmetic use...and where they ask for changes in the legislation to regularize their consumption in all fields.
In fact, in the Hemp Business Day, held two years ago - the pandemic has stopped the 2020 and 2021 editions - it was seen that it was a sector in full expansion.And has started with the United States."There, where we also work, there are 26 states where the CBD is regulated for medicinal and recreational use (not to 'place', but as anxiolytic, vaper or taken as edible).There is a boom.And the rest of the states, in the Biden legislature, go to that path.The market of these products has grown by 300%. Y todo hace pensar que los cambios también llegarán a Europa", apunta.At the moment, to grow hemp at the industrial level in Spain, it is necessary for agriculture license, but only fiber or seeds can be obtained, from which the oil for cosmetics is removed.Normally, a small amount with another vegetable oil, coconut or sunflower is mixed.