How to know if a brand is animal cruelty free?

How to know if a brand is animal cruelty free?

How to know if a brand is animal cruelty free?

The video of the 'Save Ralph' campaign of the Humane Society International (HSI) organization, with the aim of raising awareness and eradicating animal cruelty in cosmetics laboratories, has provoked various reactions on social networks.

Non-governmental organizations are disseminating information about which brands, regardless of the products they make, that test their products on animals , as well as those that are free of this practice.

You may be wondering how cruelty - free brands are evaluated and which are not. For this reason, we present the following three frequently asked questions on this subject that it is in your hands to solve.

1. Who validates whether or not a brand is cruelty-free?

There are only three organizations that grant “ cruelty free ” certification worldwide:

All three organizations have posted extensive lists on their websites where you can check whether a brand is animal-tested or cruelty -free.

2. How do brands validate that they are cruelty-free?

In the case of PETA, each brand must certify that its final product or its ingredients are not tested on animals , in addition to not using a third-party supplier that tests on animals and also does not test on animals to sell its products in China.

Once validated that the brand is free of animal cruelty , the organization will authorize you to place a " cruelty free " stamp, easily identifiable by having a rabbit in the center.

3. If a brand does not have a seal, does it mean that it is not “cruelty free”?

Although some brands do not have the " cruelty free " seal, this does not mean that they test on animals, since some choose not to pay the license for use.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult the PETA, Cruelty Free International and Choose Cruelty Free lists of brands that do not incur animal cruelty .

Old Spice supports regulations to end animal testing worldwide

Through a statement, Old Spice, as part of P&G Beauty, reiterated its commitment to being a CrueltyFree brand and assured that it has supported Humane Society International for more than 20 years, in addition to participating in PETA International Science Consortium to work with regulators. and finally eliminate animal testing.

The company clarified that it has made millions of investments to be a "force for good" in this field, ensuring that it will in no way stop its commitment to ending animal testing forever.

Some brands that test on animals according to PETA

Some cruelty free brands according to PETA

VIDEO: The "Save Ralph" campaign

The new short film 'Save Ralph' has arrived thanks to Animal Welfare International (HSI) which shows animal cruelty by companies in the cosmetic and hygiene industry.

The short film 'Save Ralph' exposes the fictional story of Ralph, a test rabbit for the efficacy of products for humans who, after several experiments on him, have left him with consequences such as blindness in one eye, losing part of his hearing and the fact that breathing is painful.

The intention of the short film 'Save Ralph' by the International Animal Protection Agency is to raise awareness about the products that are used every day for personal effects, from bathroom utensils to makeup.

The 'Save Ralph' project hopes to show the reality of cosmetic testing on animals , something that is still legal in at least 40 countries, and thanks to the spread and the reactions it has had on social networks making it viral, it has had a great response from users, placing it among the trends on Twitter.

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