Accessories and cosmetics to avoid violations

Accessories and cosmetics to avoid violations

Accessories and cosmetics to avoid violations

I don't consider myself particularly apprehensive, dramatic or scary, in fact, I think I'm quite forward when it comes to certain topics. Even with everything, even living in one of the safest cities in the world, being fast, strong and brave, many times, I am afraid.

I'm scared when I have to go back alone at so many in the morning, I'm scared if I go running first thing in the morning or at night, when Madrid is just for me. Do not get me wrong, it is not a paralyzing fear of those that do not allow you to even take a step (otherwise I would never leave the house) but it is a fear that makes me feel out of my comfort zone and forces me to always stay alert.

Like me, I am sure that many of you who read me have experienced similar situations.

I remember that shortly after entering puberty I was talking to my mother about how safe it would make me feel to carry a can of pepper, those that are illegal in our country. Instead, I was wearing a spray, I don't remember if it was deodorant or cologne.

It is just an example. Others go with the keys in their hands held between each finger like Wolverine blades. Anything to make us feel a little safer. Anything to convince us that those keys or that boat can give us a chance to get out unscathed when facing a dangerous situation.

A range of accessories has been developed to prevent rape, ranging from modern chastity belts, which can only be opened with both hands, to cell phone pendants with a button that, when activated, emits a 90 decibel noise to alert of danger .

Drug-detecting nail polish, defense ring and mobile phone pendant with alarm. PINTEREST/GO GUARDED

Perhaps one of the most useful products is the Undercover Colors nail polish that detects if there are drugs in the drink by changing color (prepare to be sticking your finger in your friends' glasses again and again).

Although this particular one is not yet commercialized, the Go Guarded ring for runners, which is placed on the finger and has a blade to defend itself (I am not sure if it is allowed in Spain), can be easily found online.

I find it incredible, and to some extent outrageous, that it is faster to develop such a product with all that it entails than to take action to stop violations. It makes me feel disgusted, but I am clear that it is a question of education that must start from the base, so we cannot expect a change to happen overnight.

And if, in the meantime, there is the possibility of escaping a violation, of keeping ourselves safe thanks to some product or defense that can make a difference… what do we lose by trying?

Tags: accessories, ring, anti, enamel, go guarded, prevent, runner, security, violation, violations | Filed under: aesthetics, manicure

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