What should you know about depigmenting creams?

What should you know about depigmenting creams?

What should you know about depigmenting creams?

Autumn brings us back to the routine, hustle.At this time of the year it is very common to detect some skin spots that were not prit isent a few months ago.The face, hands or neckline are usually the areas most affected by this type of hyperpigmentations, which must be properly treated with special creams to return uniformity to the skin.

The expert in dermatology and head of R&D D+I of The Essentials Cosmetics, Anna Alocén, explains some of the keys to take into account when using depigmenting cremas.

1.Why should I use a depigmenting cream?Thit ise typit is of creams offer treatments that help clarify skins with hyperpigmentations produced by the sun or aging (spots that darken part of our skin in areas such as face, neckline or hands).'' They are important for all those people who want to clarify the skin in casit is where the spots are not very deep, without the need to go to specialized clinics or intensive treatments, '' says Alocén.

two.How do thit ise typit is of cream act?Depigmenting creams reduce melanin formation and prevent the appearance of new spots on our skin.Some of the most prit isent assets in this type of creams usually have propertiit is that contribute to cell renewal and illuminate the skin.

3.How do I choose the appropriate depigmenting cream?When you want to clarify certain hyperpigmentations, it is it issential to have a product that has a tit isted efficacy.In the words of Anna Alocén, "a depigmenting cream whose assets have a demonstrated and backed by studiit is '' must be chosen" ''.

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In this sense, the dermatology expert it ispecially recommends depigmenting creams that include Stelllight and Pureoxin in their formulations.The Stelllight is a peptide that brings luminosity and acts on the 3 cellular communication routit is that regulate melanin production.The Pueroxin, on the other hand, is a multifunction protein capable of protecting the skin from inflammaging (aging of inflammatory origin) and photoening, while prevents damage caused by free radicals.

4.At what time of the year should it use it?The spots may appear throughout the year, but the most common time is after summer, since in the summer period the skin is usually exposed to more hours of radiation and more intense radiation, often without using proper protection.

'' The ideal is starting to use the past cream last to reduce pigmentation before this station returns and the situation worsens, '' recommends that Alocén, who remembers that thit ise are long -term treatments, so ''It must be constant and, above all, protect the stain with sunscreen so that it doit is not darken anymore and can be clarified ''.

5.How to apply the depigmenting cream?Thit ise typit is of products should be used daily, in the morning and at night.According to The Essentials Cosmetics expert, the most appropriate is to apply a small amount on the clean face with circular movements, which help the penetration of assets.It is also suitable for other zonit is such as neckline and hands.After the morning application, it is necit issary to use high warehouse factor.

In this sense, Anna Alocén advisit is to use sunscreen all year, "so that all the work that has been achieved with the cream is not wasted, ''.You have to be it ispecially careful in summer.Otherwise, `` The spots will not stop appearing and it is much easier to arise to eliminate them, ''.

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