What is niacinamide and why you should use it in your skincare routine

What is niacinamide and why you should use it in your skincare routine

What is niacinamide and why you should use it in your skincare routine

Te decimos cuándo usarla y porqué hacerlo
mar 27 abril 2021 12:25 PM
Sofia Macedo / @sofmacedo

Cuando se trata de skincare, siempre hay algo nuevo qué aprender. Esta vez hablaremos de la niacinamida, también conocida como Vitamina B3. Es un ingrediente con múltiples beneficios que te dará una complexión envidiable. Te lo explicamos todo a continuación.Qué es la niacinamida y porqué deberías usarla en tu rutina de skincare Qué es la niacinamida y porqué deberías usarla en tu rutina de skincare


What is?

It is a water soluble essential vitamin that does not synthesize the body.This means that the body does not produce it, so you have to consume it or apply it topically so that the body can take advantage of it.In order not to continue with the chemistry classes, we summarize it: niacinamide (vitamin B3) is an illuminating ingredient that has many benefits.

The benefits

Qué es la niacinamida y porqué deberías usarla en tu rutina de skincare

When we say it has multiple benefits, it is not exaggeration. La niacinamida es ideal para cualquier tipo de piel, incluyendo las sensibles, ayuda a disminuir la rojez, intensificar la luminosidad, combatir el envejecimiento prematuro, reparar la barrera natural de la piel, energizar las células, tratar lahiperpigmentación, el acné y las cicatrices que deja.


Although you have to take something into account ...

Yes, it sounds like the ingredient of your dreams, but it is important that you use it with some precaution. Lo ideal es que uses fórmulas con concentraciones bajas (entre 1% y 2%) para evitar que irrite tu piel y te cause una reacción negativa.

Are you doing well with all the ingredients?

Niacinamide is BFF of all ingredients and assets. Funciona especialmente bien si se usa junto con ingredientes como lavitamina C,elácido hialurónicoylas ceramidas. Solo aplícalo con 15 minutos de diferencia para asegurarte de que las fórmulas se absorban bien.


How to integrate it into your skincare routine

It depends on what your goal is.If you want fast and notorious results, it is better to opt for a serum or an ampoule that has a more concentrated amount.If you want something more subtle and you already use other assets, bet on a tonic or a cream.:)

When and how much do I have to use it?

You can use it tomorrow and night every day as long as you don't exceed concentrations.If you notice that your complexion is irritated or red, try to reduce its use until it reaches the middle point ideal for your skin.


cuidado de la pielNiacinamida

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