These are the food you should consume to combat pilaris keratosis

These are the food you should consume to combat pilaris keratosis

These are the food you should consume to combat pilaris keratosis

The pilaris keratosis, or ‘chicken skin‘, is one of the skin problems that most affects the world population.In fact, it is estimated that more than 50% of the population of the entire planet suffer.Of course, we can incorporate food into our daily diet that avoid the appearance of this skin ailment.

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And it is undoubtedly the skin is one of the most sensitive organs of our entire body, so we must extreme the care we give every day.

In this case, people with ‘chicken skin‘ should avoid consuming some foods and consume as many that are beneficial for their skin type.


One of the causes that this problem can produce in any person is the accumulation of keratin in the skin tissue.This will cause skin pores to be clogged and bultitos and protuberances that we must begin to treat begin to appear.

Estos son los alimentos que debes consumir para combatir la queratosis pilaris

Without a doubt, food is the fundamental basis to keep us healthy and strong in any situation.And our body will react to any stimulus that we give, so the most positive thing is that this is beneficial for the body.

Foods that will avoid ‘chicken skin’

As we have mentioned above, incorporating healthy foods into our daily diet is something that will undoubtedly improve our health in many aspects.


For this reason, we are going to talk about some of the most appropriate foods to treat pilaris keratosis.Since it is really worth making certain changes in our daily habits to improve our quality of life.

Among these foods with positive vitamins for skin health we will find:

All these foods will improve the status of your skin immediately, since they contain perfect vitamins and nutrients to take care of cutaneous health.In addition, they hydrate and avoid the clogging of the pores, one of the fundamental causes that the ‘chicken skin’ can appear.

What can I do to relieve pilaris keratosis?

Although the first thing you should do if you see that you have this problem in the skin is to go to the doctor, you can also follow some home remedies that will make your skin remain stable to any alteration.

In this case, as we have mentioned above, one of the fundamental things is to take care of food.So the best thing is that you include in your daily diet some of the foods we have indicated in this article.And without a doubt your body will absorb all its vitamins and you will have a radiant skin.

In addition, you can also exfoliate your skin on a regular basis.And it is that the exfoliation of the skin in people who have this type of skin problems is one of the most important things to keep it in good condition.In addition, we will be eliminating all dead skins and toxins that are in it.

: Alimentospielsalud

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