The most read keys of body hydration in summer more read of the day comments

The most read keys of body hydration in summer
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The most read keys of body hydration in summer more read of the day comments

El agua es un nutriente muy importante para el cuerpo humano, ya que el 70% del organismo está compuesto de agua y gracias a ella se producen reacciones químicas fundamentales para la vida, explica el doctor Pablo Peña Báez, médico especialista en medicina ortomolecular y máster en microbiota humana.

When the dehydration of the body occurs, some signals are presented to which we have to be attentive."It occurs when you use or eliminate more liquid than you eat and your body does not have enough water to carry out its normal functions," clarifies the professional and adds that dehydration symptoms are excessive thirst, less frequent urination, urine fromDark color, fatigue, dizziness and confusion.

How much liquid ingest

Is it true that it should not precisely exaggerate with water intake, since this generates greater urination and, therefore, can also induce dehydration?The answer is that everything in nature has its balance, even water consumption, answers.

Read more: the water we drink

Por ello, la recomendación es consumir el vital líquido pero sin exagerar; se calcula 1 litro por cada 20 kilogramos de peso, lo que sería en una persona promedio de 70 kg unos 3 litros por día.By consuming more water, it is normal for us to urinate more, but that will not lead us to dehydration, clarifies and adds that it can lead to electrolytes, but not reach dehydration.It is important to do everything in balance, emphasize.

The ideal amount of water to consume in one day, according to estimates, is the previous calculation that gives us about 3 liters average, but depends on many factors, such as the type of physical activity or the ambient temperature, due to the losses that this causes.It is not the same to perform exercises under the sun with 35 ° C, than in winter with 15 ° C;So, greater water consumption is required in our hot summer.

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También el tipo de alimento del que se compone la dieta puede ayudar a la correcta hidratación, porque las verduras y las frutas contienen agua.“Vegetables and fruits also provide water and that is positive;So, if we consume a food without colors, full of flours, sugars and meat, albirrojIn the summer of this hemisphere fruits with a high water content such as watermelon and melon.To consume fruits and vegetables to hydrate better!

What kind of water consume

In addition to the aforementioned, there are also numerous factors to take into account.A child is not the same as an adult or an older adult, as well as a person with a base disease or one who works sitting in an office, which are very different, who makes him subject to outdoor effort, clarifies the doctor.It depends a lot on each environment and each person.

Is all kinds of water good to hydrate?Water quality is fundamental."It must be a water that does not contain chlorine.Therefore, the water that comes from the tap is directly ruled out and we must also avoid plastic by contain, thermos, plastic bottles, ”he explains.

Entonces en la campaña por buscar la mejor calidad de agua, la que recomienda el experto es la filtrada.A high quality filter that purifies water before reaching the body is ideal, and using stainless steel containers, or glass, which are now fashionable.

Read more: Is it good to drink the water from the tap?

En cuanto al pH, es un tema discutido que está en investigación, comenta el especialista; lo ideal es consumir agua con un pH de 7 que es neutro, pero podemos consumir de forma intermitente aguas de pH 8 o 10. Por otro lado, la oferta de bebidas isotónicas es grande, pero, ¿ayudan en la hidratación? Peña explica que la función de las bebidas isotónicas es que, con agregados de electrolitos como potasio y algunas vitaminas pueden ayudar, sobre todo al hacer ejercicios, para una correcta hidratación, y se recomienda sobre todo para quienes realizan actividad física intensa, pero casi todos pueden hacerlo, con especial cuidado para los diabéticos ya que contienen azucares.

Summer, a time of attention

Drinking juices or including fruits with a lot of water content is also a way to hydrate in summer.Fruits are an excellent water source, but whole, meals with fibers.

“Ojo con los jugos, por ejemplo un jugo de naranja ya no contiene fibras pero sí contiene mucha fructosa (azúcar de las frutas); entonces un jugo puede ser contraproducente en ese sentido, por ello recomendamos jugos verdes con una fruta, por ejemplo perejil, espinaca, pepino, rúcula y manzana o pera o limones”.

Another advice to take into account so as not to dehydrate in the heat stroke is to perform physical exercises at schedules in which the heat is not intense, such as in the morning or afternoon, in addition to constantly hydrating with water, and also performing exercises by aPrudent time of 40 minutes to an hour, with rest intervals.

On the other hand, it is necessary to take care according to each case: older adults, children, base diseases.Taking into account the precautions mentioned above, we hardly dehydrate, he says and emphasize the importance of always consuming water of the best quality for good health.

More info

Instagram: @drpablo_masquelier @masquelierintegrativo

Facebook: Pablo Peña Báez


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