The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week

The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week

The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week

The revolution of organic products has fully entered the homes of the country. A few years ago, those who looked for the number printed on the eggs, or knew what they meant, were seen as people from another planet. Over time, consumers have become accustomed to seeing that the hens that lay them have been raised outdoors and have had a diet that is not based only on feed. Knowing the origin of food, clothing or utensils that we use on a daily basis has become commonplace.The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week

One of the big disadvantages of choosing these types of products is that they are more expensive than those that are not. This can discourage many users when making their daily purchases, but at EL PAÍS Showcase we propose a solution. Did you know that many of the brands we know have ranges of organic products and that they do not have a very different price from their non-organic version? We are not only talking about supermarkets, but also brands of clothing, footwear or food for our pets.

For this reason, we have created this collection of offers and discounts to encourage those who want to change their consumption habits, but start from a tight budget. Discover that consuming in a more responsible way is not incompatible with being fashionable, nor does it imply giving up the shoes you like or eating steamed vegetables.

First steps in responsible fashion

The clothing collections are updated almost every month. The Slow Fashion movement (slow fashion, in English) advocates the opposite, using timeless garments that last longer and do not become outdated every year. This is the most advanced version when it comes to sustainable fashion, but it is not the only alternative.

Some of the most common brands in the shopping streets of all cities have established containers where garments can be recycled in exchange for a voucher in future purchases or are beginning to use other types of materials such as cotton or recycled plastics. But it is not necessary to go to stores to change the way we consume online, we can also do it through the Internet and cheaply on platforms like the ones you will find below.


This brand has proposed two formulas to reduce the environmental impact of creating new garments. The first are clothing collection containers in which garments can be deposited to sell them as second-hand or from which materials are extracted to make others. The second is to sell products that have been made with recycled polyester and wool parts or organic cotton.

The price of these t-shirts, pants and coats is not far from what is usually paid for clothes in the store, but they can be a little cheaper if, in addition to delivering our old clothes, you register in their app to get a 10% discount on the first purchase.

H&M discount coupon of 10%

The best discounts on natural and organic products of the week


This platform highlights among its collections a so-called responsible fashion. In it there are more than 3,000 garments for women and almost 5,000 for men that have been created totally or partially with recycled or organically grown fabrics. Although most of the pieces belong to one of the brand's own collections, there are also clothes from Burton, Carhartt, Columbia or Reebok. Those who make a purchase for the first time on their platform can take advantage of a 10% discount. To which is added that this Tuesday, October 8, there will be a Flash Sale with products discounted up to 70%.