The 5 beauty treatments for men most in demand

The 5 beauty treatments for men most in demand

The 5 beauty treatments for men most in demand

Flash fashion reporting

PorEva Delgado de los Llanos

In addition to routine care such as proper skin cleaning, adequate hydration both day and night, or daily beard care, cosmetic medicine treatments to improve the physical appearance are increasingly demanded by men.

From the age of 40, this interest in combating signs of aging is growing. The man usually takes care of his body in the gym, through exercise and feeding, but to take care of the signs of the passage of time on the face, he often requires aesthetic treatments to reassert the skin and prevent wrinkles. We all like to see ourselves in a good image, and in this regard men and women are not so different. In Flash fashion we analyze the treatments most demanded by men to take care of their physical appearance.

02.44 minLos mejores tratamientos de belleza para hombres

Clean and moisturize the skin

It is one of the treatments most demanded by the male patient because they are fatter skins that tend to get dirty more. To begin treatment, it is recommended to start with a smooth exfoliation to remove dirt and dead cells from the skin. Then a mechanical extraction of the impurities is carried out and the treatment based on peptides and hyaluronic acid should be applied in order to allow us to have a much more hydrated skin.

Improvement of pores and imperfections

Los 5 tratamientos de belleza para hombres más demandados

The man usually has a pore much longer than the woman, so they have many more imperfections that go inside that pore leading to a more rugged skin. By means of a treatment with an active carbon mask that is applied previously heated by a laser, the components of the activated carbon are fixed. Heating the skin generates collagen and elastin which are very important structural components to improve the structure of the skin to make it look smoother and firmer.

Removal of wrinkles

It's certainly one of the most demanded treatments. Over time the skin loses firmness and the dreaded lines of expression and fine wrinkles appear due to dehydration of the skin. An effective treatment consists of the use of a system of microneedles that impact on the skin at a certain speed generating small microchannels that are used to introduce the applied polyrevitalizing in an atopic way to penetrate the skin well by encouraging the stimulation of fibroblasts.

Correct flaciousness and collagen stimulation

No doubt the poppa is an area that worries men in a special way. It's a sign of aging or overweight. There is a treatment based on ultrasound focused and guided by ultrasound, where thanks to the ecograph it is possible to select certain structures important to achieve tissue tension and a heat is applied right in the area that will generate the skin's own tension.

Capillary prevention

Being bald is one of the main concerns of men about their physical appearance. You Don't have to wait for the hair to fall off, it's always better to prevent. When you start to notice that the hair is weakened you can act with revitalizing complexes that are inserted into the scalp and that allow for the improvement of all microcirculation resulting in the hair being born much stronger regaining density and giving rise to a more populous aspect of the hair.

When a considerable part of hair has been lost, the hair implant is usually used. These techniques have evolved a lot, and more and more people resort to long hair, a hair graft treatment without shaving and long hair. It is indicated for both men and women and the results are immediate, without having to shave the area and wait for it to grow.

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