Hydrate, light and renew: homemade routines and non -invasive treatments to take care of the skin before summer

Hydrate, light and renew: homemade routines and non -invasive treatments to take care of the skin before summer

Hydrate, light and renew: homemade routines and non -invasive treatments to take care of the skin before summer

The skin of the face is the reflection of our mood. Si luce opaca y poco hidratada dará la sensación de que la persona está agotada, débil, agobiada.And while for more than after a year and almost eight months of pandemic it is, the truth is that at this time of the year, with restrictions that relax, think of the summer and the rest days is a good incentive to continue ahead.

In times when the use of the chinsto is relaxed, which kept the skin of the face covered for many hours a day from the beginning of the pandemic, and with care routines and visits to the dermatologist who surely did not follow the letterBecause of the health emergency, it is well worth remembering that as the greatest organ of the body it is, the skin deserves and needs our attention.

“Our skin is constantly exposed to a series of aggressions: temperature changes, wind, exposure to the harmful rays of the sun, use of aggressive and irritating chemicals, use of the chin.All that makes it lose its elasticity, making rough, strap and fragile.Many times you can acquire an opaque appearance and generate imperfections, such as granites or spots ". El médico dermatólogo Christián Sánchez Saizar, miembro de la Sociedad Argentina de Dermatología (SAD) comenzó a explicar a Infobae que “por esta razón, es aconsejable poner acento en la humectación de la piel y ayudarla a recuperarse de la exposición permanente a los efectos adversos”.

Dehydrated skin becomes opaque, unleashed.“These external factors alter the appearance and characteristics of the skin, and in principle it can feel dry, with pruritus, rough, strap and finally peel.If this is repeated, fine wrinkles will begin to form, ”said the specialist, who stressed that“ the skin changes its texture and is due to the loss of integrity of the skin barrier and therefore greater loss of water ”.

En este punto, para la médica dermatóloga Lilian Demarchi, “no existe un tratamiento mágico, lo importante es una combinación adecuada y rutinas de cuidado para una piel sana y luminosa”.

Demarchi subrayó que “hoy existen múltiples tratamientos, que sumados a una buena rutina en casa, permiten tratar y prevenir, y principalmente devolverle al rostro gran parte de la lozanía perdida durante la pandemia”.The key?Take care of yourself every day with a routine according to the type of skin and visit the dermatologist to take care of it according to each time of the year and stage of life."Without a doubt, the consultation with the specialist is key, as well as being willing to listen to evaluation and diagnosis, always knowing that there are no unique recipes but that each person needs a personalized treatment".

Three treatments to illuminate the skin in spring

Hidratar, iluminar y renovar: rutinas caseras y tratamientos no invasivos para cuidar la piel antes del verano

1- Fillers of hyaluronic acid

“En esta época del año y después de un año de mucho estrés, acercándose las fiestas con la posibilidad de reencontrarse con amigos, buscamos tratamientos que nos den un aspecto rejuvenecido y descansado al rostro”, apuntó la cirujana plástica especialista en estética Griselda Seleme.

According to her, "this is achieved with fillers or stuffed with hyaluronic acid". “Hay que desterrar el concepto que asegura que estos rellenos solamente voluminizan; y saber que se usan para hidratar, dar luminosidad al rostro, delinear la línea mandibular, armonizar el contorno de la cara, corregir depresiones, borrar los signos del cansancio, la flacidez, y reparar irregularidades, entre otros beneficios -destacó Seleme-.They are rapid treatments, with little or almost no recovery time and excellent tolerance.They give the face an effect of rejuvenation, natural beautification, so they are one of the most demanded treatments at this time of year ”.

For Raúl Banegas, plastic surgeon and member of the Argentine Society of Plastic Surgery (Sacper), “When thinking about a treatment with Fillers, the first step is undoubtedly the consultation: Search and listen to a specialist.It is essential to create a confidence link, a connection that allows the best experience for both.Many times, one thing is what the patient wants and another, what the patient really needs ”.

“Hoy los fillers se han convertido en aliados clave a la hora de potenciar la belleza.The secret is not to erase all wrinkles, but to recover a fresh and rested appearance with a clear look.It is a treatment that takes place in a single session, in less than an hour and its results can last from one to two years depending on its density and the area to be treated, ”he added.

2- Black Peel Laser

As described by Sánchez Saizar, "it is an ideal treatment to perform in spring"."It is a peeling made with a laser, which begins with the application of a carbon lotion that is removed by the action of laser light in what is called 'acoustic photo effect' and removes the corneal or superficial layer, byThat the skin is very luminosity ".

"It is a treatment that takes place in a single session and is ideal for when we look for a shock with a Glow effect for a special party or event," he said.

3- Radiofrequency

“Es un tratamiento no invasivo, que se realiza en tan sólo una hora y en una sesión y se lo considera una herramienta clave para reactivar la producción de colágeno”, explicó Seleme, quien sostuvo: “Es un tratamiento que tensa la piel y mejora las arrugas o imperfecciones, perfila los rasgos faciales alrededor de los ojos, la mandíbula y la zona del cuello.It generates a ‘cold-fried’ effect that causes tissue contraction and the remodeling of collagen and elastin, without pain ”.

Its effect continues to act in the months after application, and lasts about two years.

Daily care routines that are reflected in the skin

By fiaca or lack of time, in practice it happens that although it is known how necessary that it is a daily routine of skin cleaning and care, the truth is that few women carry it with continuity.

“Los beneficios inmediatos de un buen cuidado son una piel más suave, más luminosa, lozana y a largo plazo esa humectación adecuada primero evita el deterioro natural del envejecimiento y también crea un microclima favorable para que la piel mantenga cierta elasticidad favoreciendo la generación de fibras colágenos y elásticas”, resaltó Sánchez Saizar.

Para el médico dermatólogo Lucas Ponti, “es clave mirar las rutinas diarias, ya que si bien el envejecimiento de la piel depende de factores genéticos también dependen en gran medida del estilo de vida”."Protecting the sun and pollution, exercising, carrying a balanced and varied diet, and sleeping the necessary hours every day is essential for healthy skin," said the specialist, ".Pandemia disorder us, we increased the delivery of the delivery, we reduced the exercise and many times we modify our rest hours.As much as we use the best creams if we do not modify our habits our skin will continue stressed.Today it is key to be able to focus on the routines that do us well ”.

In that sense, Ponti stressed that "all habits influence skin health: eat healthy, get up early, exercise, sleep well in time and depth, feel good". El especialista subrayó “la importancia de comenzar a hacer más foco en cómo se está viviendo, ser conscientes de los hábitos y rutinas.Of course, using good creams is a benefit to the skin but the habits are really the key ”.

Moisturizing and moisturizing creams, are they the same?

Almost all products have both functions but it is important to know their differences. Según destacó Sánchez Saizar, “las cremas hidratantes aportan agua a la piel especialmente en su capa media es decir dermis mientras que las cremas humectantes además fijan o mantienen la humedad de la misma”.

"We find two products that incorporate water into the stratum corneum and that also decrease the transdermal loss of water," he said..The main ones are glycerin, urea, hyaluronic acid, panthenol or vitamin B5 ″.

Por último, Demarchi subrayó que “es clave entender que el mejor secreto anti age es la protección solar”. “El uso de protector solar los 365 días del año será la mejor manera de prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro y no olvidarse cuando nos levantamos hidratar la piel -puntualizó la dermatóloga-.At night, it is advisable to do a clean.This cream is the most important, since the active ingredients will act when the skin is relaxed at night ”.

A todo esto, durante los meses de mayor radiación solar, se debe agregar los cuidados básicos, que consisten en:

- Do not expose yourself to the sun between 11 and 16

- Always prefer shadow

- Use a solar filter with fps greater than 30

- Use hats and sun glasses

- Organize early outdoor activities in the morning and after 16

- Cover the skin with thick plot clothes or that possesses solar filter

- Wear adequate clothes, even in cloudy days, since ultraviolet rays also damage the skin, as well as the radiation reflected in the sand, water, cement or snow

- Every time physical activity is performed outdoors, sun protection that is resistant to perspiration should be used

- Hydrate correctly, since many liquids are lost during sports and with these, vitamins and minerals

- The protector must be renewed every two hours and after each bath in the pool or in the sea, as well as after excessive sweating


Cuáles son los 4 alimentos comunes que generan un rápido envejecimiento de la piel, según los dermatólogos
Estas son las razones por las que hay que usar protector solar todos los días

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