Cushing Syndrome: What is and why does it appear?

Cushing Syndrome: What is and why does it appear?

Cushing Syndrome: What is and why does it appear?

El exceso de cortisol en la sangre puede producir la aparición del síndrome de Cushing.This excess in this hormone of the glucocorticoid family can be given by an excess in the production of the adrenal glands, which is called endogenous, or by the consumption of corticosteroids in high doses.

Endogenous Cushing Syndrome is rare, and appears around one case for every million inhabitants a year. En el 70% de los casos se produce por un tumor en la hipófisis, detalla Camilo Silva, especialista en Endocrinología y Nutrición, del Departamento de Endocrinología y Nutrición de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN).

Patient profile with cushing

This type of endogen. Sin embargo, según añade Cristina Lamas, del grupo de Neuroendocrinología de laEspañola de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN), puede aparecer a cualquier edad.

There may also be other causes of endogenous cushing, such as a cortisol producing tumor in the adrenal, malignant tumors that secrete acth and produce an ectopic Cushing syndrome and a adrenal carcinoma.

As for exogenic or iatrogenic cushing, Lamas states that “many people suffer from cushing syndrome due to exposure to drugs contain.These types of medications are often irreplaceable, so both experts recommend good control and be very cautious with doses, using the lowest possible amounts to control the disease that requires their consumption.

"Cushing syndrome is reversed after the suspension of corticosteroids or the healing of the disease that is causing it, however, there are some manifestations that can last over time," says Silva.What symptoms can remain?All those complications produced by the disease and that are not visible, such as osteopenia, osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, glucose alterations, diabetes ...

What symptoms are the most common in Cushing Syndrome?

Síndrome de Cushing: ¿qué es y por qué aparece?

Esta enfermedad rara produce cambios muy característicos en el aspecto físico, explica a CuídatePlus Cristina Lamas, del grupo de Neuroendocrinología de laEspañola de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN).Among the most common signs can be found: obesity of abdominal predominance and redistribution of fat, muscle atrophy, rounded face (full moon face) and rubicund.

As we said before, other associated diseases -comorbilities-.such as the weakening of the immune system, diabetes, hypertension, or osteoporosis.“In women it usually results in the absence of menstruations and infertility.In some cases it also favors the appearance of psychotic paintings, ”adds Lamas.

Patients with Cushing syndrome suffer a significant loss of their quality of life and certain physical deterioration.Hence the need to consult with a specialist in endocrinology when the symptoms appear and make an early diagnosis.According to Lamas, "taking care.In this sense, Silva adds that "life habits must be customized to the situation of each patient, since the manifestations of the syndrome have different severity in each case".

Why do stretch marks appear?

One of the most striking signs of Cushing's syndrome is the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen, the root of the thighs, breasts and armpits.What they owe?According to Silva, “they are produced by the catabolic activity of glucocorticoids in the cutaneous tissue.The skin thinns (atrophy) and allows you to see the capillaries below, giving it the classic intense reddish appearance.Unlike the usual stretch marks due to distension (for growth or variations in weight), which appear in Cushing syndrome are much wider ”.

Diagnosis and treatment

The approach to the Cushing Syndrome must be performed by an endocrinologist who values the hormonal values in blood, urine or saliva to assess how cortisol behaves and establish the origin of the disease.Sometimes, if it is an endogenous cushing produced by a adrenal adenoma or a pituitary adenoma."There are drugs that inhibit the production of cortisol by the adrenal gland and that are used before surgery and, if the patient does not cure, after it," explains Silva.

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