Avoid dandruff, itching and fat five tricks to take care of your scalp

Avoid dandruff, itching and fat five tricks to take care of your scalp

Avoid dandruff, itching and fat five tricks to take care of your scalp

We talk a lot about how to keep the skin of the face and body healthy, but do we worry about the scalp?Surely you did not know that, like the pores of the face, those of the scalp can be clogged causing itching and dandruff.The explanation is simple: in the depth of these is where the germs causing excess fat and dandruff appear, so the only possible solution is to keep them clean and careful.

A good washing

Y ahora la eterna pregunta que todos nos hacemos: ¿con qué frecuencia debo lavarme el cabello? La doctora Rolanda Wilkerson, científica de h&s, nos explica que "lavar el cabello cada 72 horas con un producto que contenga Piroctona Olamina ayuda a evitar la caspa, la sequedad y el picor, todo ello mientras mantiene el cuero cabelludo limpio". Pero podemos derribar (al fin) el falso mito de que es malo lavarse el pelo a diario, ya que, como señala el dermatólogo y tricólogo, experto de h&s, Juan José Andrés Lencina, “no existe ningún problema con lavar el pelo todos los días.Contrary to what is sometimes thought, a daily washing can help us with dandruff or excess fat, but for this it is important to use a product that suits our needs ”.

Una buena ayuda, por ejemplo, la gama base de los champús de h&s. Para combatir la grasa, h&s Citrus Fresh, que limpia el cabello y el cuero cabelludo graso con un aroma a cítricos duradero; para aliviar los picores, el champú h&s Menthol Fresh, que aporta una sensación refrescante de mentol y una protección anticaspa duradera y limpia el cabello de manera eficaz y para cabellos con caspa visible u otros síntomas en el cuero cabelludo, h&s Classic, que limpia en profundidad el cabello y el cuero cabelludo y a la vez que lo mantiene fresco e hidratado.In addition, these shampoos are free of parabens, phosphates, sls, paraffins and silicones, and the bottle is 100% recyclable and is made with 40% recycled plastic.

I have dandruff, what do I do?

Although there is no clear consensus about what to call exactly daspa.The dermatologist Juan José Andrés Lencina explains that “we can say that its causes are due to colonization due to the Mallassezia fungus, saprophyte fungus and typical of our skin that is increased in the scalp of patients with dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.On the other hand, the excess of sebum favors the obstruction of the pores and allows the fungus 'to feed' of said fat and modify it, generating harmful fatty acids for our scalp ”.

Evita la caspa, la picazón y la grasa Cinco trucos para cuidar tu cuero cabelludo

Excess fat can be, therefore, our enemy in this battle.And in the scalp is also produced by multiple variables, such as the hormonal component (fatty hair is more frequent in men), the lack of in -depth cleaning and properly of this part of our hair, the use of inappropriate productsor that can harm our skin.

Care in summer

Just as we apply more sunscreen at this time of year, we must also pay attention to our head, especially when you have a fatty scalp. "La primavera es época de alergias, que pueden provocar irritaciones en el cuero cabelludo, de quemaduras del sol si no tenemos cuidado, de picaduras y de cambios en nuestra piel", nos explica el experto de h&s Juan José Andrés Lencina.One of the external factors that harm it most is high temperatures, "because our sweat increases and in the scalp can lead to an excess of sebum that favors irritation or appearance of dandruff".

But we should not forget the sun.In spring the rays are increasingly perpendicular, ultraviolet radiation rates up.Use hats or even sun protection If there are areas of the most exposed head, avoid the central hours of the day, excess heat and sweat and, of course, use a scalp care product that controls that excess of fat.

It is essential to clean the hair in the same way that we clean the skin of the face, since the scalp is also dirty."Taking care of the scalp is synonymous with deepening.You have to reach it through massages so that the product penetrates and acts correctly, ”details the dermatologist.We care about cleaning hands continuously, but what about hair and scalp?Juan José Andrés recommends taking care of his hygiene to be healthy and avoid problems.

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