6 Gold rules for skin care that every man must follow

6 Gold rules for skin care that every man must follow

6 Gold rules for skin care that every man must follow

Take note of taking care of your skin is not a suggestion, it is a necessity, especially if you want to see you well for as long as you can.

By Paloma González

Skin care is as important as taking care of what you eat and going to the gym, it is not about vanity, but ensuring that your skin is in good condition, is healthy and, like an extra, is what allows you toYou look good and younger for much longer (Paul Rudd and Jared Leto do not seem immortal just because of their good genes).

Until a few years ago, there was not much talk about skin care for men, many thought that putting creams, serum, special cleaners and sunscreen was only for women, but came the point where we all realizedthat men also have skin, so they also have to take care of it (because we are not snakes and we cannot change it if we have damage).

The first thing to know is that, just as all people are different, all skins are different, so the routines to take care of it can be very different, and the same products do not necessarily work for everyone.David Beckham on one occasion that, as part of his routine, he steals some products to his wife, but that only does it because he knows that they also work and you should not necessarily do the same as him as he.

You do not need to use all the products that exist without stopping to think what they do or what they are for, you need to understand that, to have a routine that is really effective (and keep you young without having to take the "blood of the innocents"or make a satanic pact), there are some basic rules to start.

6 reglas de oro para el cuidado de la piel que todo hombre debe seguir

The rules that cannot be missing:

See adjusting

Finding the perfect routine for skin care can take time and requires trying some different things until you find the best works.Do not stay with the first or the cheapest, for what each product does to your skin and change those that are not helping it.The important thing is that you know that all skin types need a good moisturizer, a soft cleaner and a powerful sunscreen.

The order of the factors does affect the result

The order in which you use your products is very important, since it is what will allow them to be absorbed correctly and fulfill their function.The general rule is that the lighter and the densest is used, such as sunscreen, must remain until the end, so they would be like this: cleanser, serum, moisturizer and blocker.

Use exfoliants in moderation

It is recommended to use an exfoliant from time to time to help eliminate dead cells, accumulated dirt and all those elements that make the skin look dry, lifeless and old, but it is important that you do not use it in excess, sinceThis can eliminate natural skin oils and leave it damaged.You should usually use it twice a week.

There are ingredients that you should not combine

If you use retinol, which is derived from vitamin A and is used to combat skin aging, you should not use other active ingredients (such as vitamin C), this is because many are considered unstable and can be negatively affected ifYou combine them.In addition to always adding these ingredients gradually.

Night and day

There are different ingredients that you can use in your routine and some are better when using them in the morning, while others are ideal for night routines (because they are heavier or can cause stains on contact with the sun).Vitamin C, for example, is better during the day to get more profit to its antioxidants and protection of UV rays, while products with retinol should be used during the night because sunlight can affect them.There are even products that can increase your skin sensitivity to light.

You can't miss sunscreen

With sun, rain, snow or gray clouds, sunscreen is indispensable to keep your skin without damage, young and healthy.You must apply one with an fps of 30 or greater, covering your face, neck, ears and hands.

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