The other lottery: get 20,000 euros with a forgotten necklace in lost objects

The other lottery: get 20,000 euros with a forgotten necklace in lost objects

The other lottery: get 20,000 euros with a forgotten necklace in lost objects

One in three lost items returns to their owner, a Third Recycle, and some end up in the hands of the people who found them

La otra lotería: conseguir 20.000 euros con un collar olvidado en objetos perdidos La otra lotería: conseguir 20.000 euros con un collar olvidado en objetos perdidos

Teo Camino


Sixty -five minutes a week, more than two days a year, and six and a half months throughout life is the time that passes on each person looking for lost objects at home, according to the IKEA order and time studyand Sigma Dos.In the end, they almost always appear, but what about lost objects on public roads?

Finding a 5 or 10 euro ticket lying on the street, looking sideways and side, and keeping it with discretion in your pocket, sketching a smile, it is a stroke of a socially accepted picaresque accepted.However, if one is a portfolio or collar, article 615 of the Civil Code establishes that it must be returned to its owner or surrendering to the corresponding office to be “held by the mayor” or the local police.Two years later, if no one has claimed this object, the depositor can acquire it in property: whether a football team or a precious jewel.

From a denture to the ashes of a dead

Individuals, police forces, mails and transport entities deposit an average of 20 every year.000 articles in the Office of Lost Objects of the City of Barcelona, while in the city of Santander the figure is significantly lower: 2.000.

"Today they have brought me a headband and a broken glove," the Cantabrian Police in charge of collecting, registering and guarding the articles lost on public roads, exposes to global consumer."I have from dentures and surf tables to the ashes of a dead man, who have been here for months and nobody comes for them," adds the official, who says he does not lose hope that they will pick them up because they do not know what to do with them.In the opposite pole of the Peninsula, the spokesman of the Local Police of Granada says that it is still surprised when particular appear with bicycles, guitars and lost trumpets in the subway."How do you lose that?" He asks.But there are still more surreal losses and, above all, more valuable.

The other lottery: a 20 collar.000 euros

“The case that has impacted me the most - his story began, the Santander barracks agent - took place one morning last October, when a girl came and told me that two years ago he had given to lost objects a piece of jewelry that nowwould like to collect.As a day was missing for the claim period by the owner to be met, I invited her to return the next day or the other, and, just in case, I took the cheap from the warehouse and left her prepared without understanding very well what she could motivateTo that young woman to return for her.Why so much interest? ”The police continue, who performs this function since 2018.

La otra lotería: conseguir 20.000 euros con un collar olvidado en objetos perdidos

The next day, at 7 in the morning or so, which is the time to which the barracks open, “seeing the girl planted at the door I could not believe it.I do the paperwork and when I delivered it, he explains that in 2019 he found the necklace on Burgos Street and that he took him to a jewelry store where he was told that he had a brilliant of 30.000 euros, but she still decided to deliver it.Without finishing believing my story, I recommended that you visit a known jeweler who is near the barracks.A few days later my friend told me that the supposed piece of jewelry that had taken the girl had a value of 20.000 euros ".

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What is done with lost objects if no one claims?

Around a third of lost objects are returned to their owners.There are also luckily depositarians, although they barely represent 1 %.On the other hand, between 30 % and 35 % of lost items are intended for recycling;Some documentation is sent to other consistories and embassies;"And what nobody claims and is still useful is donated to beneficence," says the spokesman for the Local Police of Granada.

After the two years established by the Civil Code, "we destroy the documentation and donate the portfolio, if it is in good condition, to the nuns," explain from the Santander barracks.They have delivered bags, clothing and other items well cared for.In Barcelona, on the other hand, the owner only has six months to recover his article (of nine if he delivers a depositary), as they assure from the Office of Troballes.In addition, a previous appointment must be requested that can be chaotic and impossible to process, as has happened to this server.

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The most lost

Both from the Office of Lost Objects of Barcelona and its counterparts of Santander and Granada coincide when establishing the podium of the articles that most lost people: portfolios with documentation, mobiles and keys of vehicles and their houses.

"Today they brought me six wallets, two mobiles (one have already collected) and six DNI," explains the spokesman of the Local Police of Granada, who points out that there are citizens who deliver to Pines."Before they brought us a lot of clothes, but now, with Covid, it has gone down a lot," he adds.At the same time, the times of more losses are Christmas, Holy Week, Summer, the bridges, the local parties and the great events such as the Mobile World Congress.

How to recover a product without identification?

As in the wardrobe of a disco when you have lost the piece of paper or justifying, "if they are not identified, we ask them to describe the object," experts agree on the return of unidentified items as suitcases, glasses, helmets and an almost infinite etcetera.

With things of great value such as a laptop or a mobile, "as you are not going to ask for the invoice, you ask you to describe some personal detail of the interface, you tell him to unlock it and always take personal identification," they add."This Christmas brought a Mac and here it continues," says the Cantabrian Police.

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