Michael Kors company concerned about competition from street markets in Mexico

Michael Kors company concerned about competition from street markets in Mexico

Michael Kors company concerned about competition from street markets in Mexico


“We see a lot of potential in Mexico since half of the women already use our bags, surely because they buy them on Amazon”, reasoned the company.

The brand would simultaneously open several stores throughout the country to meet the demand of Mexican women who seem to only want to wear their branded items.

Michael Kors does not understand how Mexican women manage to have bags of their brand if there are no official stores

The strange situation in which most women already use bags despite the fact that there are no official stores of that brand, has confused the sales department who try to explain the phenomenon.

Michael Kors company concerned about competition from the tianguis in Mexico

“Maybe they go to McAllen every so often to buy them,” the marketing director tried to reason when he saw the numbers that show that one in two Mexicans already use his brand.

The points of sale will be opened in the main cities of the country, excluding Veracruz, Colima and Tlaxcala, where residents have also managed to get Michael Kors brand exercise tights and Jordan brand sunglasses, among other items exclusive that only come to our country.

And in case you didn't see it: We already found out what Alizée is up to and it has nothing to do with the song.

Important: Remember that El Deforma is a site for entertainment, humor and satire. The content in our notes should NOT be taken as a real source of information even when some elements of the note are part of reality. The only section where the content of the notes is 100% real is in "Incredible but True".


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