Fortnite Season 6: All the characters/NPC, and where to find them

Fortnite Season 6: All the characters/NPC, and where to find them

Fortnite Season 6: All the characters/NPC, and where to find them


We tell you where all the characters/NPC are of season 6 of the Battle Pass of Fortnite Chapter 2.All characters, locations and missions.

In season 6 of the Fortnite Battle Pass Chapter 2 NPC or characters return.This season there are 50 characters in total.In this section of our Fortnite Battle Royale guide we tell you where they are, how to find them and what do they do.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6: All the characters and what to do with them

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 includes a selection of 50 characters.These NPC will interact with you a multitude of ways.There are two types of attitude: neutral and hostile.The latter will attack you as soon as you see you, so it is better to face them with good team;However, the former will allow us to interact with them differently.Of course, they do not attack you when you see you does not mean that they cannot defend themselves.If you attack them they will answer with fire.

The first time you interact with these will be added to the collection section, a template to see details of its appearance, location and background.In addition, as a novelty of season 6, the first time we talk to a character will give us random objects such as shield potions, or animal bones.

Here are the services they usually offer.Some options require that we use gold bars in return.

Full list of characters from Fortnite season 6 Chapter 2

Then we leave you with the complete list of characters available in Fortnite season 6 chapter 2.The yellow color means that the character is neutral, the red that the character is hostile and attacks us as soon as he sees us, magenta that the character alternates between hostile or neutral depending on his state, the blue that the character moves by themarked route, and the green that is neutral at the beginning, but hostile if we collect the near legendary assault rifle.

1 - Bandolera

Fortnite Temporada 6: todos los personajes/NPC, y dónde encontrarlos

La verdadera depredadora de la jungla

2 - Caloric pump

Una buena hamburguesa echada a perder...

3 - Mr. Bidón

No se requiere ningún bidón de tres al cuarto

4 - flare

Que arda el mundo

5 - Tess

Tu mejor amiga o tu peor enemiga

6 - Jonesy del bunker


7 - Quemarruedas

Todos los caminos llevan a la victoria

8 - Arbustín

Un arbolillo sin importancia

9 - Cole

Es un trabajo sucio, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo

10 - Mortal shot

El bueno, el feo... y el malo...

11 - Test doll


12 - Agrarian steel

No le pises lo sembrado, o tendrás que pagar las consecuencias

13 - Kyle

Amigo de los árboles. De la mayoría, al menos

14 - Tormentosa shooter

Congelada y calculadora

15 - Ragnarok

El frío heraldo del destino

16 - Cura

Toma tu medicina

17 - Spark plug

Desguaza a tus rivales

18 - Bombastic

¡Cuenta atrás para la explosión!

19 - Lord Death

Venganza previo pago

20 - Cortezina

Pícara, picante, justo detrás de ti

21 - Gatillo fish

El terror de los caminantes

22 - Grumete

Recoge el sedal

23 - Cocómandante

24 - Raven Renaissance

Hija de un demonio, y una de las fundadoras de los Teen Titans

25 - Tarana

Una oradora del viejo mundo

26 - Raz

27 - Lara Croft

La grandeza está en lo que hacemos, no en quienes somos

28 - Shadow

Mantén la calma

29 - Jules

Fabrica la perfección con un toque misterioso

30 - Rex

Lleva a tus rivales a la extinción

31 - Taxist

La ruta más larga hacia la victoria

32 - Náufrago assailant

Del naufragio a la riqueza

33 - Broken specialist

Échate protección

34 - Jonesy shipwrecked

No se ha perdido, ¿vale?

35 - Jonesy Sorbet

¡Prepara el sorbete y sal rápido!

36 - Sergeant Parrilla

Barbacoa o victoria

37 - Jonesy I

Nunca olvides tu primera aventura

38 - Gala Sergeant

Establece un campamento y empieza a disparar

39 - Velociraptor

Piloto de prueba de la Real Fuerza Aérea

40 - Patchnegro

El temible capitán de las aguas revueltas

41 - Jekyll

Tiene algunos demonios internos

42 - Powerful chord

Que se quejen los vecinos

43 - Stage star

¡A todo volumen!

44 - Willow

Un alma errante con asuntos por resolver

45 - Cob

Deshazte de esa cáscara y coge algo de mantequilla

46 - Cénit

El mejor resultado a cualquier altura


Deja atrás a tus rivales

48 - Galactic

El mundo entero conocerá tu nombre

49 - Paradona goalkeeper

No se te escapa una

50 - Orelia

Un tesoro dorado, un deber sagrado


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