Food and recipes to nourish well during breastfeeding

Food and recipes to nourish well during breastfeeding

Food and recipes to nourish well during breastfeeding

Un bebé recién nacido necesita realmente muy poco: alimentación adecuada y sentir la seguridad y el calor de la persona que lo cuida. La lactancia materna cubre todas estas necesidades, pues la leche materna no solo es el alimento perfecto para el bebé, con los nutrientes que necesita, sino que tiene a través del amamantamiento ese aspecto emocional.

In turn, the months of breastfeeding after birth are a very special period for mothers.A wonderful opportunity to maintain the link between the mother and the child, which has spent 9 months in her belly.During pregnancy the baby was nourished through the placenta and, after being born, he continues to nourish his mother through breast milk.

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It is a period of happiness, but also a period that impacts the mother at the physical, mental and emotional level: a time full of insecurities, fatigue, little dream, a period in which we can become pajamas until noon, many times many timesWithout time to shower, take care of yourself, sit down to eat...The most intense time that a woman can live.

The importance of a good nutrition of the infant mother is crucial to maintain her health and the quality of milk for her baby.In this period, the most important thing is to bring a nutritious diet to meet all needs and recover after childbirth.It is not time to make diets to reach the weight prior to pregnancy, but to try to carry the best possible nutrition.

In this article I will tell you some tricks to organize to be able to feed well in this intense period and we will review what can be eaten during breastfeeding, that is, how to be feeding in breastfeeding and what are the most recommended foods.You will also find four special recipes for infant mothers:

How to organize to eat well during breastfeeding

The infant mother needs more or less 400 calories to produce milk.It is very normal for infant mothers to feel faster and, therefore, it is convenient to have healthy snacks to chop between hours, such as fruit with nut butter, beaters, hummus with vegetables, nuts, energy bars, toasted with avocado, rice pancakes with tahini and banana ... only two tips:

A few weeks before delivery, we can also freeze legumes and cooked cereals, potajes, stews, vegetable hamburgers, energy bars, cookies, muffins ...

In the pantry we should have easy to prepare foods such as oat flakes, quinoa, comprehensive paste, cuscous, legume boats, pesto or tomato sauce, nutGerman bread.In the last weeks of pregnancy we can dedicate our time to cook quietly.

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Alimentos y recetas para nutrirse bien durante la lactancia

Once the baby was born, to eat well and have healthy foods at hand without overwhelming ourselves, we can make small cookings in half an hour blocks when the baby falls asleep or entertains: put to cook a pot of legumes or cereals for several days, make baked vegetables, cut vegetables for a sauteed, cook vegetation protein, make breakfast oatmeal.

If the baby only falls asleep in the street, we can prepare the food in Tápers and take it with us, to eat quietly.


A frequent question is what to eat during breastfeeding, if there are especially recommended foods or others to avoid.In general, when breastfeeding a varied diet based on natural foods should be carried.Especially it is convenient to take:

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4 recipes for breastfeeding

These recipes are an example of nutritious dishes and tente.An infusion that provides essential minerals is also included, favors the baby's digestive well -being and helps produce milk.

one.Quinoa salad with sweet and tahini vegetables

Preparation: 20 minutes - Cooking: 45 minutes

Complete cereal salads with baking vegetables are ideal to do in large quantities and have for several days.At a time that the child sleeps or is in the hands of grandparents or other people who help us, we can cut a couple of vegetables, put them in the oven and cook a pot of quinoa.It will take little and so we have food for several days.

This salad contains sweet vegetables, tahini and spices to promote harmonious breastfeeding.

Ingredients (4 rations):

To roast baked vegetables:

For tahini and orange vinaigrette:


  1. Precalienta el horno a 200 grados.
  2. Pela las zanahorias, la cebolla y las remolachas y córtalas en trozos. Retira las ramas de los hinojos y corta los bulbos por la mitad, de arriba abajo, y después en rodajas de one centímetro aproximadamente.
  3. Coloca toda la verdura en una bandeja de horno, rocía bien con aceite de oliva, sazona con sal y las especias y hornea durante 45 minutos, hasta que la verdura está caramelizada.
  4. Cocina la quinoa. En una olla combina one taza de quinoa bien lavada con 2 tazas de agua y una pizca de sal. Lleva a ebullición, cubre con una tapa, baja el fuego y cocina hasta que el agua se evapore, unos one5 minutos.
  5. En un bote de cristal combina todos los ingredientes de la vinagreta y bate bien. Comprueba el sabor.
  6. A la hora de montar la ensalada, pon un bol un puñado de rúcula, la quinoa, la verdura al horno, la vinagreta y reparte por encima las nueces.
  7. Guarda lo que no vayas a comer en tápers de cristal por separado: la quinoa, la verdura, la salsa y las hojas, y combina en el momento de servir.

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2.Tempeh stew and vegetables

Preparation: 20 minutos - Cocción: 50 minutos

A well done stew is a very comforting dish that can fancy in the weeks after childbirth to recover strength.This is prepared with Tempeh, an easy -to -digest and rich vegetable protein in calcium, iron and other minerals.You can prepare double quantity and freeze.

Ingredients (2 rations):


  1. Prepara toda la verdura. Pela y pica la cebolla y el ajo. Lava bien las patatas y las zanahoria. Corta las patatas con la piel, las zanahorias, las setas y el pimiento en trozos.
  2. Corta el tempeh en dados. En una olla grande calienta one cucharada de aceite y dora el tempeh con one cucharada de tamari por todos los lados. Quita de la sartén y guarda.
  3. En la misma olla haz un sofrito de cebolla y el ajo con 2 cucharadas de aceite y una pizca de sal. Cuando la cebolla esté transparente, añade las especias: el pimentón, el comino y las hierbas, y dale un par de vueltas en la sartén para soltar el aroma.
  4. Añade las verduras cortadas y una pizca de sal y dora a fuego medio-alto unos one0 minutos.
  5. Añade las patatas, el tomate, la levadura nutricional, el tamari, sal y cubre la verdura con agua. Cocina unos one5 minutos.
  6. Pasado este tiempo, añade los guisantes y el tempeh y cocina one0 minutos más hasta que la verdura esté tierna.

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3.Breastfeeding cookies

Preparation: one5 minutos - Reposo: one0 minutos - Cocción: one5 minutos

These cookies are prepared with ingredients that support the production of breast milk such as oat flakes, nutritional yeast, almonds and linen.

They are easy to do and ideals to chop between hours.

Ingredients (20 cookies):


  1. Precalienta el horno a one80 grados.
  2. En un bol pequeño mezcla el lino molido con el agua y deja reposar unos 5 minutos hasta que se forme un gel.
  3. Mientras tanto, mezcla en un bol los copos de avena con la harina de avena, la harina de almendras, el azúcar, sal, vainilla, canela y la levadura.
  4. Añade el aceite de coco y el lino y mezcla bien. Incorpora los chips de chocolate y deja reposar unos one0 minutos para que la avena puede ligar la masa.
  5. Unta una bandeja para horno con un poco de aceite o forra con papel vegetal. Con ayuda de una cuchara haz unas bolitas, coloca sobre la bandeja y aplasta con la mano.
  6. Hornea one0-one4 minutos. Deja enfriar y guarda. Se pueden congelar hasta 3 meses.

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4.Traditional infusion for breastfeeding

Preparation: one0 minutos

During breastfeeding we should carefully walk with herbal infusions.But there are some medicinal plants that have been traditionally used by midwives for infant moms for their nutrient contribution, their soothing effects on baby digestion and its effects to stimulate breast milk production.In this infusion we combine some of the best known.

Ingredients (one infusion boat):


  1. Mezcla todos los ingredientes y guarda en un bote de cristal.
  2. Para preparar la infusión, pon one cucharadita en una taza, vierta agua hirviendo y deja reposar one0 minutos.

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