Eight anti-mosquito solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces

Eight anti-mosquito solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces

Eight anti-mosquito solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces


Lamps, repellents, plugs or systems to effectively combat mosquitoes

Maria Sanchez Sanchez

Spring and summer bring with them a greater presence of mosquitoes and other insects, so it is common for many people to try to avoid their bites by acquiring different anti-mosquito devices . A task that is not easy because, as various studies have shown, mosquitoes have been increasing their resistance to the chemical insecticides that are commonly used.

What to buy to drive away mosquitoes?

There is a wide range of solutions on the market to reduce the presence of mosquitoes at home or when carrying out different outdoor activities. Regarding repellents , several experts explained in the magazine BuenaVida that the chemical products that are marketed in creams or sprays to be applied to the body tend to have a very high efficacy. They also prefer plug-in insecticides , but not all models, remember, are capable of ending the different types of mosquito. To know which one to choose, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) recommends looking at its active ingredients and points to DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) and Icaridin as the most effective followed by Citriodiol or PMD.

Bearing this in mind, in EL PAÍS Escaparate we have compiled eight solutions for interior and exterior spaces that also have the approval of thousands of people who have positively valued them on Amazon after purchasing and trying them.


Mosquito plug lamp

It is a device that is connected to a current of light and releases a specific signal to attract mosquitoes , flies or moths that, when approached, are electrocuted. It can be placed in bedrooms, the kitchen, the dining room or the terrace and does not use substances that are dangerous for the environment. It also includes a safety device to prevent accidental contact, especially from children and pets. To obtain good results, it is recommended to turn on the light 2 or 3 hours before going to bed.

Buy for €18.79 on Amazon

Self-adhesive mosquito net for windows

It is one of the best-selling products in its category on Amazon, with more than 2,900 reviews and a rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 . It is a very easy mosquito net to install in sales through self-adhesive strips that leave no residue when removed. Its measurements are 130 x 150 centimeters, but it can be cut to fit the size of the window that is needed. It is available in anthracite gray or white and is a product designed to open windows without fear of insects entering the home.

Buy for €8.58 on Amazon

Electric diffuser with applicator, Raid

Ocho soluciones antimosquitos para espacios interiores y exteriores

A classic but effective solution is this plug-in electric bug spray that can be used even with the windows open and the lights on. It is specially designed to fight against common and tiger mosquitoes. Each of the refills provides up to 60 nights of protection and comes in a pack of two eucalyptus-scented refills. It is a product that has a very positive rating on Amazon, 4.4 stars out of 5.

Buy for €5.29 on Amazon

Portable Ultrasonic Repellers

“These devices are very easy to install and use , they do not require maintenance and, in addition, they work correctly”, indicates this Amazon user who has given them the highest rating. It is a non-toxic product and very easy to use . It must be plugged in a vertical position 20-80 centimeters above the ground and choose between the three options it offers. It works with a technology, Adopt, that mimics ultrasonic sound waves effective against mosquitoes, fleas, ants or cockroaches.

Buy for €17.99 on Amazon


LED anti-mosquito lamp

Suitable for outdoor use, this lamp is the best seller of its category on Amazon and can also be used in kitchens or other rooms. It is a perfect element, for example, to go camping or camping, since it weighs very little and has a handle to transport it comfortably. “ It's small, light and the battery seems to last a long time. And it kills mosquitoes and the like well , which is the most important thing,” says an Amazon user who identifies himself as Alejandro. It has three lighting modes and is a product that kills mosquitoes without toxic elements.

Buy for €24.99 on Amazon

Mosquito repellent lamp with USB

You can choose between two sizes (one of 18 centimeters and another of 20 centimeters) and it is suitable for killing mosquitoes and flies also outdoors. Through a wave of purple LED light, it manages to attract insects and sucks them up without the need to use pesticides. On Amazon, platform users have given it an average rating of 4.3 stars out of 5 , it is very easy to clean and use, and it recharges comfortably through a USB port.

Buy for €8.28 on Amazon

Repellent spray spray, Relec

This Relec firm pack offers total protection against mosquito bites and includes an extra strong anti-mosquito spray and another special post-bite product to relieve itching or refresh the skin. The anti-mosquito formula can be used even in areas with a high risk of transmission of tropical diseases, as it is a biocide that effectively protects the skin through an invisible barrier. It has more than 2,600 reviews and a very positive rating: 4.5 stars out of 5.

Buy for €15.46 on Amazon

Multicolored anti-mosquito bracelets

It is a set of ten bracelets , very comfortable, that can be carried everywhere and that can be used by both children and adults . They have not been formulated with chemical products and, through vegetable oils such as citronella , offer natural protection against insects. Each of them stays in good condition for about ten days and can be easily adjusted to fit different wrist sizes.

Buy for €6.99 on Amazon

*All purchase prices included in this article are current as of June 3, 2021.

about the signature

Maria Sanchez Sanchez

Editor at Escaparate, where she uses her experience in digital journalism to recommend products and services that can be found on the internet. She has worked in media such as Cadena SER and other sections of EL PAÍS such as Verne or BuenaVida, as well as collaborating with S Moda. She has a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University.


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