How to remove glue from hands How to remove glue from hands

How to remove glue from hands How to remove glue from hands

How to remove glue from hands How to remove glue from hands

Glue is one of the most used products when it comes to repairing damage at home or doing crafts. However, on many occasions it falls and sticks to our hands, and removing it can be really difficult. Especially if it is about extra-strong type glues.

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At this point, we can ask ourselves the following: how can we get this element off our hands without doing us any harm? To do this, you can follow a series of methods, taking into account that the most important thing is to prevent it from spreading and causing irritation in some areas of the body.

Use acetone, but with caution

This product can be effective if it is a glue that adheres strongly to the skin. However, prolonged exposure to acetone can lead to irritation, so it is important to take certain precautions.

How to remove glue from hands How remove glue from hands

To use it, you can choose to pour a little of this liquid on the area of ​​the hand with glue and rub to try to remove it. Afterwards, rinse your hands properly with soap and water to finish removing it.

Lemon and salt

The Cleaning Company highlights this alternative method to get rid of the glue that has stuck to our hands or fingers.

Lemon contains acid properties that are useful for dissolving certain stains and can also be used to remove adhesives. Therefore, pour the juice of a lemon on the area stained with glue and let it act for a few minutes to soften. Then add a bit of salt to make it easier to remove.

Vaseline or oil

Vaseline is a home remedy that can also be used, especially if the glue has dried. To do this, you should apply a considerable amount of this product to the affected skin area for a few minutes. Later, when you notice that it is disappearing, rinse your hands with soap and water.

This method can also be used with oils such as sunflower, olive or almond. In addition, they are perfect for hydration.

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