How to cure an infected navel piercing

How to cure an infected navel piercing

How to cure an infected navel piercing

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By Laura Ruiz. Updated: December 24, 2021

The navel piercing is one of the most sensual and discreet perforations that can be performed, and it is that we can completely cover it with clothes and only wear it on the beach, with short tops or whenever we feel like it, which is why they have become very popular.

But as the name suggests, it is a perforation and, therefore, once it is done it is essential that the needle be new and sterilized to reduce the risk of infection and discomfort. However, in the following days due to factors such as sweating or the body's own reaction to a foreign organism such as the piercing, it is possible for it to become infected, causing discomfort and distress. Is it happening to you? Well, in this OneHOWTO article we explain how to cure an infected navel piercing.

You will need:
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Signs of Belly Button Piercing Infection

Signs that your piercing has become infected are:

How to cure an infected navel piercing

In the face of these symptoms, it will be clear that your piercing has become infected and that it is time to act to control and eliminate the infection, guaranteeing proper healing.

How to cure a piercing infection

Don't know how to cure a navel piercing? Well, the first thing you should do is keep the area clean frequently. While the infection lasts you should not:

To eliminate the infection you must treat the area 3 times a day. Start by washing the navel with cold water and neutral soap, use your fingertips and gently move the piercing so that the soap penetrates the area. Remove the soap well, place physiological saline on an ear swab and slowly move the piercing while gently rubbing it with the saline-soaked swab. This will help you disinfect the piece and eliminate the bacteria found in it. Towel dry and clean the area.

How to disinfect a navel piercing

Once the area is completely clean and dry, it's time to apply the product that helps fight the infection. Some people opt for iodine, others for an antibiotic cream suggested by the professional who performed your piercing. The fact is that a topical product is needed to help control and eliminate bacteria from the area.

Place the product on the area using a clean cotton swab, and once again move the piercing to make sure it enters the infected hole. Repeat this process 3 times a day to treat the area, in two or three days the infection should clear up, otherwise you will have to see a doctor to be checked and prescribe oral antibiotics if necessary. If you notice that when you apply the iodine or ointment the area swells more, itches, or a rash appears, stop using it immediately and see a doctor because you may be allergic to some of the product's components.

How long does it take to heal a navel piercing

Do you want your navel piercing to heal fast? Well, we explain that the time it takes to heal ranges from 3 to 6 months. In addition, it is always recommended to move the piercing from one side to the other during cleanings that we perform several times a day, this will prevent a scab from forming during healing, as well as ensuring that both the serum and the product for infections enter the drilling. Remember that whenever you want to touch it, you must have perfectly clean hands or the infection could worsen.

An infection that lasts for several days, with a wound that does not heal despite treatment and where symptoms such as fever, muscle pain or loss of appetite appear, warrant a medical consultation, so do not let it go to ensure adequate control of this infection. What did you think of this article on how to cure an infected belly button piercing? If you also want to know how to cure an infected nose piercing, don't miss this OneHOWTO article.

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