Crystals and quartz to eliminate stress

Crystals and quartz to eliminate stress

Crystals and quartz to eliminate stress

Los cristales funcionan como decoraciones increíbles para tu habitación o como joyería, pero en realidad hay una ciencia detrás de su belleza y sus poderes secretos. Estos son los cristales más populares para aliviar el estrés.Cristales y cuarzos para eliminar el estrés Cristales y cuarzos para eliminar el estrés

In times of uncertainty, many of us look.The concept of using crystals to relieve certain problems has existed for centuries, but, with more celebrities openly talking about its belief in practice, it has had a more generalized resurgence in recent years.

Curization with crystals is an alternative therapy that implies the use of precious stones to balance a person's life and mind.It is said that crystals "have a stable and invariable energy pattern, each with a unique frequency and resonance field" that give them special properties, explains Judy Hall, in The Little Book of Crystals.

The proposed healing benefits of crystals predominantly surround areas of mental well -being;including feelings of greater peace of mind, positivity and concentration, as well as greater immunity and pain relief.It is also known that individual crystals have their own special energies that are aligned with different areas of life, depending in their form and color, as well as their type.

Pink quartz

Cristales y cuarzos para eliminar el estrés

The pink quartz is known as the stone of love, addressed to yourself, your family, your friends, land and universe in general.This stone has powers that open your heart and encourage positive thinking, forgiveness and self -esteem.


The amethyst is a purple stone that works on the healing of the body, the mind and the spirit.This stone is known for purifying stress, calming irritability and balancing mood and anxiety.


Citrine is a yellow stone that focuses on cleaning and rejuvenating.It carries the energy of the sun, so it is excellent to increase clarity, creativity and physical resistance.Also improve mood.

White quartz

The white quartz is an essential stone in the collection of any beginner.It is the perfect balancer for all the purposes of the other stones and is known as the Master Healing of Crystals.Promote clarity and harmony.


Cornaline is an orange stone, sometimes intense red, which focuses on stabilization.Promotes positive life elections and motivates success.Helps clarify the mind, perceptions and concentration during difficult times.

Source: Harper´s Bazaar


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