Aleida Núñez: "I have gone through a lot of depression, suffering and disappointment"

Aleida Núñez: "I have gone through a lot of depression, suffering and disappointment"

Aleida Núñez: "I have gone through a lot of depression, suffering and disappointment"


Por: Aurora MendiolaPhotos: Courtesy IG Aleida NúñezALEIDA NÚÑEZ: “He pasado por mucha depresión, sufrimiento y decepciónALEIDA NÚÑEZ: “He pasado por mucha depresión, sufrimiento y decepción

In addition to being a beautiful actress and television presenter, Aleida Núñez has been characterized in this pandemic for being a successful businesswoman, because her clothing line has been sold as hot bread and of course, if it is herself who looks them with that spectacularbody that has raised sighs among its more than 3 million followers on Instagram.

But not everything has been honey on flakes to aleidof a child.Given this, the native of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, who is usually very reserved with his private life, opened his heart and talked with us of all these issues.

Q Magazine: Aleida, we see you beautiful, how are you?

Aleida Núñez: “How beautiful, thank you very much.I am very happy, notice that I am very peaceful with myself, I am in a beautiful stage where I have been closely linked to reading, with meditation, with yoga, with exercise, working on my leggins project, myBrand and of course also in my mother's facet that is 100% absorbent "

RQ: We see you beautiful, give us a beauty tip to be so beautiful and with that attitude.

An: “I recommend that every day try to sleep very well from 7 to 8 hours, that is very important for example I take an antioxidant tea, it helps you eliminate fats.The mixture of ginger with turmeric and green tea is wonderful, it serves a lot for your body and skin.But the most important recipe I can give you is to be happy, have a couple or not, be married or not, have children or not, the most important thing is to love you.I found the true love of my life that I am.When you really love yourself and you are the love of your life you have the possibility to share that love with all the people around you, from your family, your friends, your son, I think that is fundamental;Besides that meditation has helped me a lot, I feel in a very beautiful stage."

RQ: How does this idea of creating your brand arise?

ALEIDA NÚÑEZ: “He pasado por mucha depresión, sufrimiento y decepción

An: “Notice that the brand is a creation of mine, it is a project that began a year and a half ago, before the pandemic. Hicimos un lanzamiento y afortunadamente fue visionario porque en ese momento casi ninguna famosa tenía una marca aquí en México, yo fui de las primeras en sacar mi venta en línea, llegó la pandemia y estuvo como muy “ad hoc" por toda la situación que estamos viviendo. Las mujeres están contentas y eso me hace seguir trabajando para sacar productos nuevos, es mucho trabajo estar creando, estar diseñando, estar maquilando, porque déjame decirte que yo fabrico todas mis cosas".

RQ: And you also make many women feel beautiful ...

An: “Of course, imagine you put some leggins with this Colombian cut raises buttocks and you look wonderful."

RQ: How do you do to be calm after all the negative you have lived, especially the violence you suffered from your partner.

An: “I have gone through many stages, of a lot.I am going to count you, from the loss of my first child during my pregnancy, the stage of violence that I had psychologically and physically of a former partner and an attempt to kidnapping.Life has made me face very strong stages that have made me grow spiritually, they have made me give thanks every day since I get up until before I go to sleep, to say I am here, I am healthy I am strong and I have a why live thatIt's my son, my career and my family."

RQ: How was your kidnapping attempt?

An: “It has some time. Me subí a un taxi en la zona de Coyoacán e iba hacia periférico, fue una muy mala experiencia, parecía que era un taxi de sitio “seguro", yo iba llegado a la ciudad de México sin coche, sin casa, sin nada, empezando desde abajo como toda una guerrera y ni modo, me pasó.Unfortunately, the driver was drugged, fortunately God is very large and in a traffic light I armed myself with value and I had the opportunity to open safe, to throw him up, running from there, I ventured shoes, bag, fortunately there were people there were peoplethat helped me at that time."

RQ: And in these times you have to be more careful ...

An: “Yes, you have to be very careful. Sobre todo las mujeres que están llegando a la Ciudad de México en busca de sus sueños, es una ciudad inmensa y siempre hay que seguirnos cuidando entre nosotras para no estar desprotegidas".

RQ: At that stage of the kidnapping, it must have been very shocking.Did you go to therapy?

An: “Yes, of course, for all these moments that I have spent I have been close to a psychologist, in this case it was a therapist who has been taking me.Also through purifications, theme, of a shaman that I have for many years, of the reading and the meditation that I do every day. También el hacer ejercicio te libera de mucha energía negativa y empiezas a transformarte, además de que está bonito el verte al espejo y decir “cada día estoy mejor", más allá de la vanidad es el decir “allá voy", aunque la gente diga que hay mujeres que solo se fijan en su físico, en mi caso no, porque soy todo un conjunto y no me abandono."

RQ: We are very interested in knowing your opinion about all the women who have been violated as well as you, what would you tell them?

AN: “Yo les diría que nunca se den por vencidos, que cuando cambiamos el miedo por fe tu vida empieza a transformarse".

RQ: Is it difficult to overcome it?

An: “It's difficult, because if you don't overcome it, you repeat it and become strong in your life.The same toxic relationship is repeated again and again without you realizing and the worst thing is that you think you are acting normal.Do not be afraid, the first thing you have to do is know how to recognize when you are falling into such a relationship, locating that this person is a person with toxic features and seeking help, be it a specialist, your family, of people who love you."

RQ: There is some way to detect them, because at first they behave like a prince and then take out their nails.

An: “Yes, there are very marked features, for example, they begin to want to manipulate in different ways, to jealYou behave, they begin to offend you with words, with rudeness, to raise your voice, all that are signs and there is to get away."

RQ: How do you educate your child not to grow up as a macho man?

An: “I tell him a lot with him and even if we are playing I do not allow me to hit me.I say you never have to be aggressive, you always have to be very loving with women, treat a woman well, never even hit her, much less serious.I speak a lot with him because it is the education that I want to give him."

RQ: This Mother's Day, how do you celebrate it?

An: “Let's spend it with my mother and I'm going to take my son to see her. Es una bendición tener a mi familia sana".

RQ: On television, are we going to see you soon?

AN: “Estamos en pláticas, lo primero que vamos hacer es una gira por Estados Unidos con la música".

RQ: Will you get new album?

An: “Yes, possibly I take out new issues.I also want to make the relaunch of my brand also get the new collection." Concluyó la guapa jalisciense.Photos: Courtesy IG Aleida Núñez




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