Professional makeup artist tricks to use the makeup sponge correctly and achieve a more natural and young look

Professional makeup artist tricks to use the makeup sponge correctly and achieve a more natural and young look

Professional makeup artist tricks to use the makeup sponge correctly and achieve a more natural and young look


Makeup tools are essential to obtain better results on the face. Just as basic as choosing a good foundation, the application methods determine the finish, making your look more even, improving the second-skin effect or, on the contrary, being too heavy, pasty and ageing. Many professionals opt for different types of brushes, others for their hands, but all agree that the sponge is the easiest, fastest and most effective method to achieve that natural no-makeup look, along with all the uses of a cream blush.

However, it is common to make mistakes in its use and maintenance, something that makes a difference. If you want to take advantage of all the potential that this tool provides in your makeup and skin care routine, such as its multipurpose facet, a good blending technique, its ability to prolong the duration of makeup or how to clean it correctly, we have compiled the tricks of experts who will solve your doubts and improve your beauty regimen, reducing it in time and solving your morning odyssey.


Just as important as washing our face is doing the same with the tools we use on it. If not, all the bacteria that accumulate pass to the skin, which can cause breakouts or other problems. Although it is not usual, sponges get mold inside (in the form of black spots) and you will not notice it. Not only do you avoid reactions, you also prolong the life of the utensil. If your rhythm of life does not allow you to do a cleansing ritual every two or three days, at least try to do it weekly.

There are different methods to get rid of all the makeup and dirt residues that are embedded in your sponge. One trick is to put it in a cup with soapy water for a few seconds in the microwave. If the stains persist, soak it in a liquid cleaner overnight.

Trucos de maquillador profesional para usar correctamente la esponja de maquillaje y conseguir un aspecto más natural y joven

Between each use, it is essential to allow them to air dry to prevent moisture from producing bacteria, which reactivate when we wet them to use them. To take it on a trip, choose an airtight bag or container that allows air to circulate without coming into contact with the rest of the makeup.

Usual use

Sponges should normally be moistened to ensure good blending. Wet it, squeeze to remove excess water and bounce. It is important that you try to remove most of the water that has been absorbed. Thus, you will avoid product waste and achieve a perfect finish.

Although this is the golden rule, there are many makeup artists who also use them dry. With this application technique, you can buff and smooth makeup at the ends and in areas where buildup, lines, and creases have been left behind. It is also used to contour or mix colors and use powder products.

Products to use

The sponge is versatile. You can use it in all the steps related to working the skin. From preparation and care, to pressing and evenly distributing primers, moisturizers or other cosmetics, through blush, contour, bronzer and even setting powder, such as the 'baking' trend (leaving excess powder for ten minutes on oilier areas like the T-zone, then brush off) or to keep the concealer intact. Although it is true that it is best handled with cream or liquid formulations, which provide that second-skin effect.

Application techniques

Don't drag the sponge across the face to spread product, instead dab gently to effectively and evenly blend but leave good coverage and correct those pesky blemishes. If you slide it, all it will do is clean all the makeup you're putting on.

Those who wish to obtain 'full coverage', take the sponge at its widest part. While, if you are a fan of the natural finish, go changing sides (the same if you have exceeded the amount and want to reduce). Use the tip of the sponge for the most difficult to access parts such as the contour or the nose. If the shadow has fallen into the circles under your eyes or you have made any other mistake, do not worry, the sponge will be the perfect eraser to correct without removing the makeup that you want to be there.

An expert tip to unify the different cosmetics on the skin and have a homogeneous complexion is to reapply a minimum amount of leftover makeup on the color and shadows, so it will seem that the luminosity and healthy tone come from your skin. Now that you have all the keys to get the most out of your sponge, the task of putting on daily makeup will surely become much easier and you will get more out of your skin.

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