The miraculous remedy is a poison: fluoride - rebellion

The miraculous remedy is a poison: fluoride - rebellion

The miraculous remedy is a poison: fluoride - rebellion

How often do you brush your teeth?Probably in the morning and at night.And how often have you thought about the substances contained in the toothpaste that your children use daily or use, and that these are probably swallowed occasionally because it has that rich flavor in strawberry?

There was a time when I also trusted the recommendations of the dentists.Everything I knew,, on fluoride, before starting with the search for the reasons for the methods used, I knew about advertising and dentists.But then I found very interesting and convincing information that made me make the decision to do without the toothpaste that contain fluoride.

What is fluoride?

Fluorides are the salts of fluorhoric acid. Los compuestos sólidos de flúor son, poregemplo, el fluoruro de calcio o el fluoruro de sodio.In minimum quantities, fluoride compounds are also natural elements that are part of the earth's crust.Plants extract natural fluoride from groundwater.Therefore, a small amount of fluoride is also contained in our diet.Despite the fact that fluoride is a natural substance, it is also extremely toxic to the human being.

The sodium fluoride content in a medium -sized toothpaste tube is approximately 2.5 grams.However, an injection of 2.5 grams of sodium fluoride can already be a lethal dose.This means that the sodium fluoride content in a medium -sized toothpaste tube is enough to kill a very small child if it consumed the complete one -time tube.Since children's toothpaste has such a rich flavor, for a child it is often difficult to understand that swallowing toothpaste could be toxic.Fluoride toothpaste contains a significantly greater concentration of fluorides compared to the fluoride found in nature.

Diffusion of fluoride

Since the forties of the last century, fluoride is considered the panacea for caries prevention.But it is easy to overlook that fluoride is a dangerous poison whose toxicity is above lead and arsenic, and that in chemical laboratories it must always be manipulated under strict security measures.The chlorine fluoride, the same substance that is added to our toothpaste and that is advertised in the children's toothpaste with strawberry flavor, is also found in mouthwash, on table salt, in baked products and evenIn milk, in addition to psychotropic, in bottled waters and now also the tap water - and it is at the same time the active substance in insecticides and in the venom for rats!

The "Fluorine Prevention Program" worldwide and, of course, approved by the authorities, is one of the most massive attacks on medical history.It is a scandal in which the main scientists, universities, governments and institutions that in their reach and extension participate, after almost one hundred years of lies, ignorance and deception is barely credible, and that despite the fact that the documentation of the documentation of thefraud is quite complete.

Historical development of fluorization

For those who are interested in the historical development of fluorization, then an extract of the book "Vorsicht Fluor" is exposed ("care with the fluorine") of German nutritionist and German nutritionist Dr.Max Otto Bruker and the Austrian physicist Rudolf Ziegelbecker, (EMU Editorial, ISBN 3-89189-013-3).The book is a recapitulation of facts, data, people and motives that have led to the fluorization of food.

«For many years debating fluorization (drinking water, pills, toothpastes, table salt) is not the result of medical research, but of the common interests of various branches of industry.Above all of them is the sugar industry that sought a remedy to prevent dental decay without reducing sugar intake.The following interested parties are fluorine producing industries, among which are mainly the aluminum, steel and phosphate industry, as well as the pharmaceutical industry that, with the threat of removing their advertisements, avoids the publication of critical reports on medicationWith fluorides in medical magazines.

The true wave of fluoride comes from the USA.UU.which had already reached a series of countries before also appearing in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Thus the propaganda machinery was launched

Dr. Harvey I.Petraborg, Aitkin Minn., EE.UU., escribe en un artículo «¿La fluorización del agua potable como un buen negocio?":

«When an industry meets marketing difficulties, as has been described in the magazine‘ Live ’, to an institute, the Mellon Institute in Pittsburg, to explore new marketing possibilities for their products.In 1950, American steel and aluminum industries did not know how to get rid of the large amounts of inventible fluorine compounds.For some time they could get rid of these waste by pouring them in the rivers.But in December 1950, the aluminum industry was sentenced to pay an important fine due to a great mortality of fish caused by sodium fluoride in the Columbia River.Therefore, I needed to find new uses for fluoride waste that accumulated every day.A part could be sold for disinfection and deratization, but it was still very little and did not solve the problem.

Hence, a person from the aforementioned Mellon Institute, called Gerald G.Cox, to find the solution for the problem of the use of fluoride.This agreed that fluoride could prevent dental decay and proposed the appropriate use of fluorine waste for this purpose.To achieve this, he had to convince the scientific world, in this case doctors and dentists, that fluoride was good for teeth and that it was harmless to health.The facts that were known until that moment among the specialists on the effects of fluoride - that fluorine was known as one of the worst poisons - they had to be buried and the public had to be taught that fluoride is not a poison, but that it is anecessary nutrient.

El remedio milagroso es un veneno: flúor – Rebelion

And, indeed, this was achieved.Cox had contacts with influential people of the dental profession and in the National Research Council (NRC).These people received important contributions for research from the industry.This, in fact, came so far that even fluoride was declared a nutrient. El Food & Nutrition Board del Consejo Nacional de Investigación aceptó la tesis de que el flúor era una sustancia necesaria, especialmente para la nutrición de los dientes, sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que las poblaciones con los dientes más saludables se encuentran en áreas en las que el flúor apenas aparece en la naturaleza.

It was not difficult to win for the case also to the National Health Council (PHS), since its dental department had long sought discoveries equivalent to those of general medicine.Oscar Ewing, one of the lawyers of aluminum companies, was director of the US Social Welfare Ministry).UU.and director of the National Health Service (PHS).In this way it was possible to easily put into practice the idea of fluorization and generate liquidity with its propagation.

When it comes to obtaining the approval of the scientific guild and secular organizations for innovation, the normal route is to discuss the pros and consview.In this case, this route has been overlooked.

Instead, study committees were formed.These were created under the direction of 1 to 2 advertising professionals who unilaterally provided to the other members of the committee exclusively information in favor of fluorization, and those who expressed their doubts were flats of incompetent, poorly informed and with economic interests with economic interests.

None of these multiple companies and organizations carried out its own scientific research on the effectiveness or safety of fluoride.This procedure served so well to its purpose that a situation arose in which it was necessary to defend fluorization if its reputation was not lost.National Health Service officials also had important positions in the World Health Organization (WHO) where they also defended fluorization.They got the WHO to declare in favor, which became the basis of a world campaign.

In the same way that the tobacco industry stimulated scientific research for the benefit of their interests and granted more than 7 million dollars in subsidies to demonstrate the safety of tobacco consumption, also here the scientists and directors of the scientific corporations received funds aimed atResearch to demonstrate that fluorization is harmless and safe.

In our time the atoms are divided, the space is explored and miraculous priests are created.This makes it very easy to believe in the possibility that tooth decay can be prevented with a measure as simple as the fluorization of drinking water.And, indeed, it would be very nice if this were true, and everyone would like to be able to believe it.

Undoubtedly, current circumstances have contributed to the triumphal acceptance of the idea of fluorization.As the leaders of the relevant organizations were positioned in favor, all the other members were changing their opinion and the matter no longer questioned.This continued, from the highest to the lowest layers, providing a large amount of information material everywhere in which the reduction of 65 % of the caries, of the 'nutrient fluoride', of the 'shortage of the' shortage offluoride in drinking water ', of' controlled fluorization ', etc..However, all these statements are unproven constructions.The ‘harmless’ topic relies on McClure unilateral investigations.

The slogan ‘The nutrient fluoride’ has no scientific base, and you cannot talk about the shortage of fluoride in drinking water.Dean already demonstrated in 1936 that children can present spots on their teeth with just a third of the recommended fluoride concentration and similar research have recently been confirmed.

The motto of ’65 % less dental caries ’was definitely refuted by researchers from the University of Melbourne in Newburgh and Grand Rapid test cities, and also the topic of‘ controlled fluorization ’is misleading.Although it is true that the supposed optimal dose of 1 ppm can be added to the drinking water, the amounts of water ingested greatly differ from person to person and the fluoride accumulates in the body.From the same moment in which there are fluorides in the water, control disappears.The way in which the fluorization of drinking water in the United States occurred does not have a paragon in the history of medicine ".

Abused water

Between 1924 and 1981 the magazine "The American Mercury" was published in the United States.In the 50s, the following letter of the well -recognized American industrial chemist Charles Eliot Perkins was published in this magazine, which was destined for Germany after World War II to organize the absorption of the chemical giant I.G.Farben.In this letter, that Perkins wrote on October 2, 1954 to the Lee Foundation for Nutrition Research, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, says among other things:

«… Fanatic ideologues, which support the fluorization of water reserves, tell us that they pursue as an end the reduction of children's tooth decay.The public's credulity is responsible for the current artificially fluorized water distribution."(In Germany the water is protected, and that is why they recommend fluoride in dentifrices and table salt.) "But," Perkins follows in his letter, " - And I say this clearly and decidedly - the true reason hidden after water fluorization is not the health of the children's teeth.If that were really reason, there would be other easier, economical and much more effective possibilities to carry it out.

The true reason for water treatment is to reduce the resistance of the masses against domination and control and loss of freedom.On the back of the left brain hemisphere there is a small area responsible for the individual's force to resist domination.Repeated minimum doses of fluorides will reduce, after a certain time and little by little, the strength of the individual to resist domination through gradual poisoning and narcotization of that part of the brain.The consequence is the inability to make decisions for itself.This makes it manipulable!

I say this with all the seriousness and sincerity of a scientist who has been investigating the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorides for almost 20 years.Any person who takes artificially fluorized water for one year or more, will never be the same again, either psychically or physically."

(Fuente: Jim Keith, Control del consciente, citado del «The American Mercury", edición sin fecha, reimpresión en «Contact", 31 de enero 1995).

For dentists, from approximately the promotions of the 60s, fluorization became a dogma of which its veracity is no longer proven, despite the fact that it has been verified that the foundations of fluorization have turned out to be false.Medical evidence on caries prevention until today has never been proven correctly.Several field studies (that is, a systematic scientific observation in natural conditions) in the US.UU., Canada and New Zealand have even reached results that have revealed the opposite.

How does fluoride work in the fight against tooth decay?

Be careful that the little ones do not swallow the toothpaste with fluoride.

The starting point was that it was believed that fluoride was toxic to bacteria.Bacteria, like all living beings, need food.Sugary foods are particularly ideal for bacteria of the oral cavity.Due to the sugar content in our diet there is an ideal culture broth for bacteria that cause diseases in the teeth and in the dental support.Although fluoride poisons bacteria thus reducing their ability to process sugar.Fluoride is so toxic that not only poisons bacteria, but also poisons other cells in our mouths.

It is assumed that fluoride hardens dental enamel and, therefore, makes it more resistant against caries bacteria. Sin embargo, un esmalte dental endurecido se fragmenta mucho más rápido con alimentos duros que un esmalte dental «no endurecido".The softer natural dental enamel is much more resistant than hardened enamel due to fluoride.This is not only valid for teeth, but also for our bones.(DR.Max Otto Bruker).

The danger of using fluoride

Fluorides can cause serious health problems, even if they are only ingested in small doses such as,, through toothpaste or also through fluorinated water.Fluorine accumulates in the organism!If it is inhaled in large quantities, fluoride causes a serious irritation of the respiratory tract, cough, throat pain and difficulty breathing.Symptoms of poisoning are very varied and can be consulted in specialized literature.The contact with the skin entails irritation, redness and pain, since fluorides have corrosive effects.Upon contact with the eyes, irritations and serious eye injuries occur.Fluorine acts on thyroid and blocks the metabolism of fats and proteins.This leads to massive obesity.Fats and proteins are stored in the tissue.People fattening, are tired, boring and inactive.(DR.Walter Mauch).Sodium fluoride reduces sperm count in man. (David Rothseum en: «La manipulación biológica del hombre").The fluorine turns off in a slow but continuous way the will of people to want to defend themselves. (Stephen «The Dickinson Statement: A Mind-Bogging Thesis" NEXUS magazine 1995).Fluoride affects the brain and as neurotoxin reduces the cognitive abilities of humans and animals.Dr. Jennifer Luke of the University of Surrey in England participated in a study in which it was discovered that fluorine affects the pineal gland.25 % of all relevant renovants and 60 % of psychotropic drugs contain fluoride.

What can I do now?

Lo vuelvo a repetir: ¡Es importante darse cuenta de las consecuencias de que el flúor y el fluoruro se acumulen en el organismo! El conocido dicho del lobby farmacéutico: «La dosis hace el veneno" ya no es aplicable a los fluoruros debido a su acumulación en el organismo.Therefore, it is first important to avoid fluorides completely.However, since it is currently impossible to complete.These consist of adequate water filtration, as well as additional substances that help its elimination.As substances that help its elimination are liver cleaning according to Hulda Clark, turmeric, pomelos, zeolite dust and especially elimination with drox.

To avoid tooth decay, simply begin to reduce its consumption of industrial sugar, white flours and pastry products.Unfortunately, genetically modified aspartam is not an alternative to sugar.

Filter the water

The safest method for extraction of water fluorine is a good coal block filter together with a prefilter.I consider that osmosis is not suitable for these types of cases, since the pressure affects the structure of the water and decreases the pH value.Through high quality coal it is possible to filter or reduce most pollutants.Pure and microfin active carbon block filters based on 100 % of fine pore coconut peel are able to filter the fluorine of drinking water.Depending on the case, it may be advisable.When replacing the cartridge, the new cartridge is simply placed in second place, as a last fine filtration phase, while the cartridge that was previously in the last place is now placed in the place of the first phase of thefiltration.It is also useful to equip the second cylinder (last cartridge) with a Zeolite cartridge.

Vitalize water

Depending on the proportion of pollutants contained in the water, toxic substances also leave behind them a structure of the pollutant.This structure constantly feeds up with the pollutant information, regardless of whether or not it is found in water.On some occasions it is not possible to eliminate this structure only by filtration.This information trapped in the structure of water, as well as the last remains of polluting.The vitalization of the water that really deepens to the base, is only possible by means of a correct and complete swirl of the water directed towards the interior.This applies to the complete quality of water and, especially, to all those substances difficult to filter, fluoride and also nitrates.Sometimes it is not enough with positive information for water.It is the structure of water that retains the damage caused by toxins through its ‘memory’, as with some types of pain.The correct multiple swirl directed inland stirns the structure of the water until it returns to its place so that it can now be filled with many positive information.

Source: http: // www.Ecortal.Net/Specials/Water/El-Remedio-Milagroso-E-Un-Veneno-Fluor

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