Proven: we're washing our hair in the wrong way. That's how it should be done.

Proven: we're washing our hair in the wrong way. That's how it should be done.

Proven: we're washing our hair in the wrong way. That's how it should be done.

Que si lavarlo todos los días es lo peor que puedes hacer, que si ojito con el champú que utilizas, que tengas cuidado con aclararte antes de tiempo o, lo peor, nunca te aclaras los suficientemente bien y te pica horrores el cuero cabelludo. Sobre el lavado de cuerpo y cabello se ha dicho mucho, pero el problema reside en que tratamos de generalizar consejos cuando ni todos tenemos el mismo tipo de pelo ni nuestra piel reacciona igual ante la intensidad y frecuencia de las duchas.

Now experts want all these infallible tricks to take care of the hair that we have been putting into practice and varying according to their 'scientifically tested' effectiveness.They have the proof that we all wash our hair, and so we can solve it.

And I with these hairs

Special shampoo for dyed and curly hair;Infinite loop mask or a Japanese smoothing;Anticaída products that ensure that a new and bulky kills will grow;And the eternal doubt of whether we have 'fat', 'dry' or 'normal' hair.There are many options, but are we being hit with our choice by leaving us to guide for what puts on the label?

“Conocer el tipo de cuero cabelludo que tenemos y el diámetro de nuestros mechones puede ayudarnos a entender cómo debemos lavarlo”, explica la experta en salud capilar Claire Coleman en 'The Daily Mail', donde recoge las conclusiones a las que un equipo de profesionales ha llegado para que las personas puedan realmente sacar el máximo provecho de su ritual de lavado.


The assiduity with which we have to wash our hair has been a reason for controversy between experts and users.Luckily, it seems that while the latter will continue to defend their positions based on their usual customs, professionals have come to a conclusion: washing it daily could be beneficial, provided that our scalp demands it.

“The amount of oil produced by our scalp is the one that dictates the washing frequency. Cuanto más tiempo tarde en ponerse aceitoso y lo notemos más seco, menos tendremos que lavarlo”, asegura Estelle Baumhauer, especialista en peluquería.

Demostrado: nos estamos lavando el pelo de forma errónea. Así se debe hacer

The easiest way to find out if the hair is fine, medium or thick is to make a ponytail

What do you wash it daily because it seems that your strands pray oil?Nothing happens.In fact, if your skin is a fatty, it is quite normal for your scalp to be the same and notice the need to give you water in your hair daily or every two days.If, on the contrary, you are from dry skin, once or twice a week it will be more than enough.

Shampoos: unlimited offer, same results

Si te dejas llevar por la opción de cabello 'graso' o 'seco' para mejorar el aspecto de tu pelo, lo estás haciendo mal, o, al menos, deberías empezar a asumir que no vas a lucir un cabello demacrado por decantarte por uno u otro. “El uso de un champú o acondicionador equivocado no va a dañar tu cabello”, asegura Anabel Kingsley, quien recomienda que más que centrarnos en escoger uno u otro producto procuremos no lavarnos nunca el pelo con el agua demasiado caliente ya que en tal caso dará igual con qué nos enjabonemos: estaremos carbonizando nuestro pelo sea cual sea su textura.

Dyes and treatments

Nor should we be alarmed and launched to the purchase of specific products.As we have been saying, the important thing is not to wash ourselves with very hot water, maintain adequate frequency based on the dryness of our scalp and clarify the product well.However, experts recommend that if we have underwent a chemical treatment of dye or smoothing, we use sulfate free products that can increase hair axis, getting color pigments or straightening to endure more time and in a better state.

Attentive to thickness

“The easiest way to find out if the hair is fine, medium or thick is to make a ponytail”, recomienda Estelle Baumhauer, especificando que si el espesor de la cola de caballo es igual o menor que la circunferencia de una moneda de cinco céntimos –21,25 milímetros– tendremos el cabello fino, del tamaño de una de 20 céntimos normal y a partir de ahí podremos decir que nuestro pelo es grueso y voluminoso.

The amount of oil produced by our scalp is the one that dictates the washing frequency

Now what you already know: the fine is usually more fatty because there are more hairs per square centimeter of scalp.If we start from the base that each of the hair follicles has a sebaceous gall, we will obtain the response to this universal knowledge.The solution: clean and effectively clarify the roots by massaging the scalp with the fingertips and, of course, clarify well by removing any rest of the product.

From the root to the tips

Applying logic, you can see that the thicker a hair will cover.Thus, this type of hair is more prone to dehydration and uncontrolled curl, experts explain insisting that attention is paid to the washing of the entire area covering each strand with shampoo and clarifying it properly.

It has a weakness

Other features most listened to in hair products advertisements: antiretura.Can you really do something to prevent hair from starting and the tips open?Experts agree to focus on nourishing it properly with natural oils and avoid some of the hairstyles or treatments that harm the strength of the hair.Among the worst, Afro's hair - "the most fragile and brittle of all," according to Kingsley -, which due to its porosity and ease of tangle needs a large amount of humidity to be able to comb it.

Dandruff and itching: the exception

If you have problems in the scalp, such as itching or scamming, you will need an adequate shampoo."The scalp is the basis of its hair follicle and the hair cannot grow healthy if this is not in good condition," Kingsley warns.A squamous skin could even cause hair loss as a result of the accumulation of scales and skin remains unbalanced the levels of microorganisms in the area.

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